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The next day Homelander let her sleep in like he always did after she performed to his standards

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The next day Homelander let her sleep in like he always did after she performed to his standards. And as usual he sent Madelyn who was clearly fucking him to bring her breakfast up to her little tower. The walls were stained in purple paint and a stupid portrait of Homelander and SantaMaria took up one wall by itself. He was always watching, the portrait warned.
"Your breakfast, Siren." Madelyn said, "And Homelander wants to see you. Don't keep him waiting." Normally Santa Maria ate alone while Homelander had meals with his team, yet another way to isolate her.

Instead of speaking she nodded her head, knowing Homelander would hear her voice and put her in her place later.

"You wanted to see me?"

"Sit down. Join us for breakfast."
She hesitated at first but pulled out a chair next to Homelander. "No, no." He stopped her, "Here." He said, gesturing for her to sit on his lap. Santa Maria stared blankly, tears of embarrassment welling in her eyes. "I said, come sit, Siren."

"Trained her well," The Deep chuckled, winking at Starlight. The newest member of their team rolled her eyes along with Queen Maeve. "Don't be a dick, Kevin. You know the poor girl doesn't have a fucking choice."

"What does that mean?" Starlight asked.

"It means the Siren is a good little bitch." A-Train said.
"Ever since the accident." Maeve caught Starlight up.

"Guys, guys. Don't be rude and talk about my girl like she's not here." Homelander said, "You're hurting her feelings." He wiped a tear from Santa Maria's cheek.

The girl had barely touched her Belgian waffle topped with whipped cream and strawberries. And she'd barely touched her coffee, her one treat for the day.

"If you want something to talk about," Homelander said, "I have news, Transluscent has been missing and we still haven't found him. And that, that makes us look weak. And we aren't weak. We're the fucking Seven."

Santa Maria didn't believe that. She thought that maybe she was weak. She wasn't one of the Seven anymore. That blonde bitch replaced her and Homelander made it seem like it was her own fault.


Eight years ago...

The new head of PR, Rebecca, Siren remembered her name was was being nice to her. Homelander seemed to like her. And he left Becca alone with Santa Maria.

"Do really think she can save you?" Homelander appeared behind Santa Maria in the mirror.
"What are you talking about?" The girl asked.
His eyes glowed red when she lied. "I'm going to deal with Rebecca." Homelander said, "but first I'm making sure you'll never fucking talk to anyone ever again."

"What does that-" A searing pain spread through throats chords. The smell of her burning vocal chords burning made her nauseous and slowly but surely, she was losing her consciousness. She didn't scream. She physically couldn't, not even when it was over. All she felt was the burning. Her gift was gone. Her voice, a luxury that every human being had, was gone because of him. All she could do was cry silently and lie limp in Homelander's arms as he flew her to the infirmary claiming there was an accident.

She had healed herself slightly but surgery was still needed. Her throat was fried, voice box shattered.


Hughie wasn't fully prepared to hear why Butcher needed to "save the little girl."

"I just assumed you hated all Supes."
"I do, except this one. My wife knew her. She was a friend of hers before she died." Butcher explained, "She died after the Siren lost her voice."
"I remember hearing about the accident." Hughie said. Everyone had. The superhero's recovery was tracked for months on end. "Didn't they catch the guy?"
"It wasn't no fucking random criminal, Hughie. That star spangled cunt burned her." Butcher said. "And I know because my wife helped cover it up."

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