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Things were a blur after that

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Things were a blur after that. She'd woken up in a bedroom that wasn't hers a few hours later, assuming she was in the same house Homelander landed at. Becca was sitting by the bed just staring at her bruised cheekbone and the handprint around her neck when she began to stir. "What the-"
"Look at you." Becca breathed, "All grown up."
"Where's Homelander?"
"He's outside with Ryan. Our son."
"I'm so sorry. I didn't know he got you pregnant. Or that he was going to force himself on you."
Becca laughed softly. "Ryan is the best thing to ever happen to me. But what about you? How have you been?"
"I have a career. Billions of teenage girls would kill to be in my place. I'm grateful for that." It was obvious to Becca that SantaMaria was keeping up her act.
"That's not an answer. You know what I mean."
SantaMaria raised her voice enough to crack the window above the nightstand. "Eight years is a long time, Becca. I grew the fuck up. I'm not the same little girl who needs a mother to save her. You couldn't help me then and you can't help me now. So stop fucking trying."
Becca wasn't shocked by her reaction. SantaMaria knew she could see through the act but Homelander was always listening. "Especially when I didn't need saving. Homelander gave me everything. And you came in and ruined it."
Becca caught on quickly. "I remember that day when you forgot your lines for that commercial and you just improvised. And, god, the look on your face when he dragged you off set. You had so much hope in those eyes. You wanted to be a star. And you came to me and said, 'Miss Becca, Homelander said I can go out and get coffee with you if I do a good job on this next take.' And you nailed the next take. And we got you your favorite, strawberry iced matcha. We talked and talked. About your mom..."

"Yeah.." SantaMaria sat up, a soft smile forming despite the tears forming in her eyes, "And you said you knew you couldn't replace her but you would be my family. Just us. But..."

"I know." Becca nodded. "We should probably go check on them."

Becca and SantaMaria walked in on Homelander playing catch with Ryan. The boy looked so much like him that it made the young hero's stomach turn. "She's awake. This is Homecoming. She's family to your mother and me." SantaMaria moved to shake Ryan's hand but her full on hugged her. His grip was just as strong as Homelander's. Only the boy didn't know his strength and wasn't intentionally trying to hurt her the same way his father did.
"Ryan. Math time. Chapters 3 and 4 in your workbook." Becca said, clearing her throat. "Maybe SantaMaria can help you."
Homelander's eyes flashed red. "Her name is Homecoming." Ryan was pulled away from SantaMaria as his father grabbed her wrist. Becca watched in horror before escorting her son inside. She came back out to have a word with Homelander.
"Yeah." Ryan said, "Math, sorry, i forgot."
"It's your favorite." Becca ruffled her son;s hair. "
HOMELANDER: You know, when I was his age, I was breaking the sound barrier. He can't even throw a fastball.

"We thought it was best that he have as ordinary of a childhood as possible."

We?" Homelander challenged, "Who's we?"
Becca sighed. "Look, I just want my kid to be normal."
"Well, then, it's a good thing I'm here." Homelander said, "'Cause my son is the furthest f*cking thing on this planet to a normal little boy."

"How long are you planning on staying?"

"Becca, we had a deal." Homelander plastered a smile on his face. "A deal that is alive and well and-and running around as free as a goddamn bird. So, let's just try and be civil, shall we?"

"Maybe," SantaMaria spoke without thinking, "Maybe we can have our family, Becca. Like you said. Remember? You and me and now Ryan..."
"She's not your fucking mother." Homelander said, grabbing her neck, pressing her against the back of the wall while Becca watched in horror. "You need to grow the fuck up. You answer to me. Not her."
"But Homelander... it's been years since you let me see my mom. I just..."
"This is between you and me." Becca said, "She didn't do anything wrong."
"She's still so attached to you." Homelander said as if SantaMaria wasn't even there hugging her knees against the wall. "Go inside and help Ryan with his homework. When you're with him, Homecoming, only good things."
"Of course, sir." Homecoming walked into the house, mascara running down her cheeks.

Ryan was a nice kid. He liked SantaMaria. They talked for an hour before Becca came in and said it was time for Ryan to go see his therapist or something.

"Don't get too comfortable." Homelander said as Becca left. It was just him and SantaMaria in the house now. "I'm going to see what she's hiding in this shithole."

SantaMaria explored every room in the house. And in the same bedroom she woke up in she found her purse. "You figured it out." Homelander startled her in the doorway.
"You're going to leave me here?"
"You need to be contained." Homelander shrugged. He was treating this as if it's some vacation when really he was locking her up in yet another gilded cage. Granted this time there would be other people here to keep her company other than him.
"This is what you wanted." Homelander stated condescendingly. "A family. You wanted me to let you have a family." A life with Becca was what she wanted. "You can't lock me up here with her. I'm not like her. You can't do... whatever you did to her to me."
"I'd remember who you're speaking to, young lady." Homelander's gloved hand gripped her jaw tightly. "This isn't a reward. You slipped up and what happens when you slip-up?"
"I get punished." She whispered. Her head slammed into the wall when he let go suddenly. "But I'm generous. I'm giving you a second chance."
"T-thank you, sir." SantaMaria said. Homelander looked down at her just like he always did and patted her on the head like a pet. "You're tired, aren't you?" He asked. And she nodded. The truth was, SantaMaria was tired of being a pawn in his games. She was tired of letting him push her around and tired of the never ending cycle of abuse she endured everyday.

"Y-yes. I'm tired. Help me sleep." She said. With every word, the pressure of red gloves digging into her neck grew. Sleep crept into her vision just like she wanted.

Unbeknownst to her, sleep was no escape from Homelander. In fact an hour later, Becca caught him on top of her. "What the hell do you think you're doing? Our son is looking for Homecoming. You'd do that to her? The same thing you did to me? You're fucking disgusting."
Homelander finished biting into SantaMaria's neck before storming over to Becca. He'd been on top of the younger hero for a good ten minutes, marking her up, showing her who she belonged to.
Homelander placed a finger to his lips. "Ssh.. you'll wake her up. She's had a long day. I was making sure she was nice and relaxed." He chuckled at his own innuendo. Becca had to admit that the girl really was relaxed. SantaMaria slept so soundly that she never knew he was there.
Becca winced at the thought of SantaMaria waking up and assuming she hurt herself in her sleep when really, Homelander took advantage of her. "She'll never know." Homelander said. "Now I'm going to go tuck in my son and then you and I are going to have a little chat. About the rules."

"Rules for what?"
"My little Homecoming is staying with you for a few days."

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