Chapter 9

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It had been several months since I had left the Doctor's journey to stay I'm this alternative universe with Patrick. I hadn't heard from him since, as to be expected, but at least he had made it back.

Patrick and I still lived in Chicago, but after around two months we had moved to an apartment on the complete other side of town. We lived like nothing had changed. We made each other happy the way our originals from our universes had. Here, we even started a band with the music we wrote. We had found two friends who could play instruments and liked to write as well.

I felt genuinely happy here. Patrick was my world, and having another chance to be with him after seeing him simply empty before my eyes never ceased to amaze me.

If I could, I would thank the Doctor everyday. I'd thank the universe for choosing that moment to open a rift to where my world still existed.

Patrick and I were laying in our new room on our small bed, looking out the window and up at the stars. My arm was underneath him as his head rested on my bare, tattooed chest. It still felt so unreal...

"Do you think he's still out there?" Patrick asked out of nowhere.


"The Doctor? Do you think he's still out there?"

I laughed. "Yes! Just not here...back in my universe... Probably off having endless adventures across time..." I held him a bit closer, "You know...After all my adventures with him, this has been the most incredible." I kissed his forehead and felt his soft hair tickle the bridge of my nose.

"You have no idea how much I've missed this." He rolled over slightly, throwing his arm around me and wrapping his leg in mine. "I wish I could thank him..."

I smiled, holding him tighter. I looked up at the sky outside our window. A star twinkled brightly, standing out from all the others.

"I would too Patrick..." I smiled, watching the star fade back amongst the others. "He gave me back the world..."

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