Chapter 2

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The Doctor's ship, the tardis, shook and pulled me from my tormented memory. I was in my small room on the ship. I looked around at all the things I had collected on my journeys with the Doctor.

Trinkets from completely different worlds. It was all very cool, but it was nothing compared to my world.


I looked down at Patrick. His face was blank of emotions. It was almost like he was sleeping...if he didn't have a gash on the side of his head trailing blood.

"PATRICK!" I cried out. I didn't know what to do, he just looked so fragile there. "Pat..." I felt tears welding in my eyes.
I started trying to pump his chest, giving him CPR, anything to try and make him okay.

"Don't leave me!.." I wiped tears away from my eyes.

I heard footsteps run up behind me and stop slowly. "Oh Peter..." I heard the Doctor's voice behind me, but I refused to look away from my world. There was no life left in those beautiful baby blue eyes.

"Peter..." A hand rested on my shoulder, "I understand he was important to you, but you are still in danger if you stay here."


I walked out of my room to the tardis' main deck. There was the Doctor, as usual, running between the controls.

"Peter! Good morning!" He grinned down at me as he pulled down on some levers and slammed his hand on a button.

"I keep telling you it's Pete, Doctor..." I scratched the back of my head. He insisted on calling me Peter since our first introduction.

"Yes, yes, but you always still reply to Peter." He grinned. He ran around the consul and looked at a display screen. The tardis shook again, throwing me against some railing.

"What's going on?" I asked, trying to steady myself.

"Bit of a delay in mideval Europe!" He shouted as the consul sparked. I was thrown against the other railing as the ship shook again.

"Just a bit!?" I shouted.

The Doctor was furiously pressing buttons and pulling levers. "MIGHT HAVE HIT A TEMPORAL RIFT!"

"A WHAT!?"

"TIMEY WIMEY STUFF!" The Doctor yelled over the tardis' noises, "HOLD ON!"


"Just hold on." The Doctor said, pulling me to my feet. "Peter please, just hold on and come on!"

I couldn't look away from my world. My fragile, broken world. I didn't fight the Doctor taking me away, but I didn't help him either.

"C'mon Peter, there you go." He rounded the corner and set me against the wall. He crouched down in front of me. He pulled from his jacket what looked like a screwdriver with a green light at the end. "Still with me?" He waved the light in from of my eyes and I shook my head.

"There you are." He smiled. He pulled a white rag from his pocket and handed it to me, "For your head." He pointed at his own temple as reference.

I took the rag, confused. I held it up to my head and I felt a warm, wet spot. I pulled the rag away and saw my own blood.

"Still in the building..." I could hear the Doctor mumbling as I looked at the rag in my hand confused. He looked at the wall, thinking for a moment, before he turned back to me. "Right...Peter! You alright there?"

I nodded.

"Good! Now, I'll be back in a moment. You'll be alright, just hold on..."


"HOLD ON!" The Doctor yelled again, falling into the railing himself, "THIS IS GUNNA BE BUMPY!"

I gripped the railing I was last thrown against. When the Doctor said 'bumpy', you could bet it would be a bit worse than that.

We were at the mercy of the tardis to land us safely, wherever we'd end up.

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