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Charles Leclerc

It was just me and Millie at home today, Rosa was off running errands alone. Me and Millie both tried to accompany her but apparently she needed a break. Even if she didn't give me the look I'd know she meant she needed a break from my hovering around her if she was made of porcelain.

I'm not even gonna defend myself because I have been doing exactly that. In fact, it was killing me that she was out alone without any help. I know she's capable of doing anything she desires, but I still hated not being around her just in case she could do something but didn't want to.

Who was gonna grab things off the top shelves?

Not me because I wasn't there.

I had distract myself with reading emails for next season because Millie was in the living room playing with Leo. So neither of my girls had time for me and I was definitely bored.

I couldn't even tell you what was in the emails I 'read', too bored to even fully comprehend it. I look over to the clock hanging in our kitchen to see Rosa still wouldn't be back for half an hour,

I sigh but perk up when I hear tiny footsteps wander from the living room to the kitchen table where I sat. Millie was holding Leo like a baby in her arms as she walked up to me. I fixed the glasses up better on my nose as she look from Leo to me.

"Hey Mils, you okay?" I ask when she moves her feet but doesn't look up at me. I furrow my brows when she finally looks up to me with the brightest green eyes I've ever seen, that are filled with...fear?

Immediately I sit up straighter and take Leo out of her hands to set the wiggling puppy down.

"Millie what's wrong?" I ask again and she looks down at her small hands before whispering, "Will you teach me piano?"

I furrow my brows more so in confusion and look from the large piano we moved in from my apartment when we bought the newer one. It's gathered some dust as I haven't played in a little bit, but it still gleams in the sunlight that flows in from the half open curtains.

"You want me to teach you how to play the piano?" I ask again just because I think I misheard her. Millie takes after her mother in the best possible ways when it comes to activities, she loves to be in the kitchen when Rosas cooking, she loves playing tennis just like Rosa- who picked it up about two weeks ago despite being pregnant and swears she might go pro- and she also loves to be Rosa's shadow. So I'm thrown for a loop when Millie's seems interested in something she knows me for.

But she takes me question as something other than hopefulness and shot nods her head while looking anywhere but me. I hate the shyness she feels like she's got to have and quickly stand up and scoop her in my arms.

"Of course I will ma jolie fille!" I say, practically cheering as I take us over to the bench of the grand piano. Millie's smiles spreads from ear to ear and she starts giggling when I move plop her down on the bench next to me. Leo follows behind us, barking at the sudden commotion.

Before I can even start, Millie climbs onto my lap as she's too short to even tap the keys. My heart warms when she beams up at me with a bright smile.

"What song would you like to know" I ask, trying to remember any songs she might ask for.

"What's the song you always play for mama?" She ask, looking back at the piano and missing my face dropping before forming into a smile.

"Can't help falling in love by Elvis" I tell her, wondering how she's heard it and associated it between me and Rosa. That is h til I remember the late night of me cleaning the kitchen after Rosa has cooked that quickly turn into me turning this song on and dancing slowly with in the dark kitchen.

"Yes! That one!" She says immediately and when I place my hands on the black and white keys, she reaches as much as she can to lay her hands over mine. The action makes me want to literal melt... or buy or do anything Millie would ask of me.

Any other thing her and her mother share I guess.

"Copy my movements okay?" I say carefully and she nods impatiently. I chuckle before music starts to fill the larger apartment. The song I know practically by heart reverberates off the walls, the comforting song makes me smile to myself even more.

Millie's hands over mine copy my movements easily, her wide eyes focused solely on the piano keys. And slowly, as we keep repeating the same song over and over again, Millie grows more confident and comfortable. My hands can slip away as she copies what I've shown her. She messes up a few times but the song sounds even sweeter with her special touch in my opinion.

Millie never showed any interest in karting and in some ways I'm happy she's avoided a very mentally challenged and physically exhausted sport, but in other ways I'm still finding it hard to connect with her on certain things. I'm praying I've just gained a special thing between me and her.

Millie continues to play the same song over and over again and if it was anyone but her, I might've grown annoyed or exhausted of the repeating tune. But with her playing it, I couldn't find myself to care. I could listen to it a million times over knowing that my daughter was playing it.

Me and Millie both look up when we hear the door open. Rosa walks in carrying a few bags and I carefully slide Millie off my lap to rush over to help her. She gives me a grateful smile before looking between me, the piano, and Millie who's walking over with a bright smile.

"What have I missed?" She asks, a smile grows on her face when she sees me all smiley from being able to teach my daughter something.

"Pap taught me how to play the piano!" Millie cheers happily after wrapping her arms around my legs. A signature hug I've grown accustomed to loving.

Rosa looks to me, a happy grin makes her face glow even more. She looks just as happy as I feel and it's probably because I've shared with Rosa my futile attempts at finding some special for me and Millie to bond over. The movie tangled can only get me so far.

Rosa hugs Millie close to her when the little blonde walks over to her. She slightly squats down with my hand helping her balance.

"What song has he taught you Mils?" Millie's smiles as if she has a secret and looks from me to her mol with a sneaky gleam in her eyes.

" can I tell her papa?" I never told her to keep it a secret but I smile at the cuteness of it all. I nod and it looks as if Millie would burst if she kept the name of the song to her self any longer.

"He taught me the Elvis song you love!" I don't put it past her to have forgotten the long name of the song and give her a thumbs up. She shares a toothy smile back.

Rosa stands back up before turning to me with a cute pout on her lips.

"She asked me to learn it" I say it in playful defense.

Millie reaches for me and I pick her up to hold her on my hip, she turns to Rosa and with a bright smile she tells her, "now I can play it for you when you guys dance to it!"

Lowkey I might just starting writing out all the cute scenarios I think of for this family + a proposal and birth of their second kid lol

The Love Circuit ~ CL16 حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن