Dealing With The Joker For The Last Time...

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After getting the Joker answer for asking for him to surrender, Batman will just have to do it like he alway's done. Jervis was kinda upset by this but he should have known he was going to say no.  But now it was time for the big party everyone been talking about, and they are heading their now. Batman was still making sure they ain't trying to fight and actually this time no one tried anything funny on them...

Jervis: Alice? You think Gordon alright?*look's at him*

Batman: I know he is. He capable of defending himself...*sigh*

Jervis: I-i know... it's just w-we haven't heard f-from him in a while...*look's nervous*

Batman: I know we haven't, but look we closer to this "party" we got invited. So we best not be late for it.*eyes him*

Jervis: Yeah! Beside they shooting off firework's? Wonder how they got them?*look's curious*

Batman: Don't know. But they actually pretty lovely sight...*gently smiles*

Jervis: What happen after tonight? Will we still be together? Will I ever see you again?*looks at him*

Batman: Of course we still be together, for the rest we figure it out after we settle this problem...*kisses his cheek*

Jervis: You'r right Alice, we must stop Joker now and this is it...*look's serious*

Batman: Good. You'r ready?*look's at him*

Jervis: Mhm! I'm ready! Let's do this!!*smiles at him*

Batman was walking ahead and Jervis was right behind him, then they finally reached their point. This is where the "party" was being held at for Batman and when he came their was a lot of Joker thugs wearing party hats? One of them was holding a clipboard looking around...

Joker thugs 1: Oh Batman! You'r here... let's me check the list right quick..*looks at it*

Batman: Do make it quick. I can't wait to see what this "party" have in store for us...*look's pissed*

Joker thugs 2: Umm.... I see a Mad Hatter... Oh their he is!*look's nervous*

Joker thugs 1: Yes Batman you'r the number 1 guest here! Please welcome...*open the door*

Batman: Yeah thank's.*goes into the room*

Jervis: Thank you as well!*goes after*

Joker thugs 2: Dang Batman scary....*sounds nervous*

Joker thugs 1: I known right! Gives me the willy's by just looking at him...*wipes his sweat*

Batman: What was that?*look's at them*

Joker thugs 1: N-nothing... w-we said nothing at all...*look's nervous*

Joker thugs 2: W-we haven't done nothing... w-we been standing here a-all night...*tries not to show his fear*

Batman: If you say so. But if I found out you lying I will come back.....*pop's his fist*

Joker thugs 1: O-okay mister b-batman...*look's scared*

Joker thugs 2: M-mhm we u-understand s-sir...

Jervis: Have fun boy's! Now be good and stand their and be good until we get back!

Joker thugs 1: ...*looks away*

Joker thugs 2: *starts sweating*

Batman walked into the room to see some of Joker thugs standing in line, when they saw them both they all starts to clapped and cheer. Batman looked at all them and he calmed down, and Jervis started to clapped a long with them...

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