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It has been brought to my attention that my work can sometimes be ''exhausting'' to read :(. Here are some strange definitions for strange words. Pls ask me if something is unclear, I enjoy interacting with readers( all five of you :P ). Also, this would help me with hunting down loopholes, if there are any.

Let us begin:

-kindred -this word can, I admit, be very confusing. It can mean ''brothers and sisters'' but it can also mean ''a race of beings made by Paterniel.'' It depends from context.

-Gravity of the planet is about 30 percent weaker than that of earth. This allows for bigger structures to be built and it is easier for the winged creatures to fly or, sometimes, characters to jump high. Lower gravity impacts the ecosystem, makes trees able to grow taller, humans are taller, insects are often elongated-like...

-Upheaval -event whose consequences are ongoing, the world is covered by clouds and there are ruptures across the continent with rivers of lava, the ocean is in constant turmoil, fist-sized rocks fall once a year.

The planet is close to the galactic center and before Upheaval characters would see the sky that was overflowing with stars, so much so that night time was almost like during the fool moon on our world.

There is no moon.

-Equiya -name of the planet and also name of the huge continent

-Alldora -ocean surrounding the continent

Note that this list will probably evolve over time.

The air is very rich with oxygen, Ann sort of ambiguously said this.

Also note that this is the first book in the ''The last cycle'' series. It serves as an introduction for the world and characters, and it's sort of ''building the stage,'' that's why action can be lacking. I need to build the stage before I can burn it.

Ann is human. She has two human parents. I did not mislead you about this.

At one point humans were about 90 000 in number. These humans survived plagues and the extermination that Paterniel did to humanity, they were the strongest. This is why the current humans, descendants of those 90k, are often ''goodlooking,'' tall, and have less chance of getting sick.

Neither of Ann's parents has red hair, but she has their blood. I've hinted why her hair is red. It should be obvious why her eyes are bright green. She curses a lot because before the Academy she was often kept inside the house and would hear her father curse as he was working, shaping crystals.

Ann doesn't know this, not really, but she becomes stronger as she ages. In theory, she can live for centuries.

-divine spark -it just means soul.

-Void -hell.

-Empyrean -paradise, heaven.

-grandmaster -professor essentially.

-katadron -incredibly strong rock with glowing lines that--and characters don't know this--grows crystals. This happens in the soil, often under large temperature and pressure, and very, very slowly.

I will never resurrect a character. If you die in my story you are dead.

Idk, what else, I'm sure there are more ''strange'' words, so feel free to ask for explanation, I do love explaining things :)

Gold is an abundant metal in the crust of Equiya.

There is a microorganism-like creature in the ocean that boosts the oxygen levels in the atmosphere. I won't go into spoilers, but the creature has a strange inteligence, like a hive mind, it is many but one.

I do not really consider my novel to be dystopian because the human government(the senate) is semi-competent. Now that's true fantasy, when a human government is not completely incompetent.

For half a year there is spring, autumn takes the other half.

-A year has 360 days,there are 9 months.

-Each month has 40 days.

-Each week has 10 days.

-Week days are : Firstday, Secondday, Thirdday...until Tenthday.

-Month 1-Garn, Month 2-Ameth, Month 3-Emer, Month 4-Carnel, Month 5-Sardon, Month 6-Lapul, Month 7-Taz, Month 8-Citar, Month 9-Helioixi

Day starts at six in the morning and ends at six in the afternoon. Day lasts 12 hours and night also 12. This is true throughout the year.

-bloodsteel -the strongest of metals, sometimes called aurichalcum.

Ann's memoir's are one big mega-spoiler. The Ann that wrote the memoirs is a completely different Ann, much older and filled with hate.

-stonewood ----this just means ''wood'' but the characters say ''stonewood'' for ''flesh'' of ordinary trees that grow in the Wastes. The tree species of the Wastes are still oak, redwood and so on, but they are changed by the thin and long mycelial-like network that helped them develop the ability to protect themselves against rock rain.

-These oaks and redwoods and such trees that grow in Wastes have ''flesh'' that is very strong and they are all similar to each other visually(here I mean their insides, stuff underneath the bark), and in general all of their ''flesh'' can be referred to as ''stonewood.''

-stonebark tree ----general term for all trees that grow in Wastes, differentiating them from trees in the Valley(place inside the giant canyon where humans live)

-There are trees inside the canyon that are just ordinary trees, like the ones in Western Equiya.

I didn't want to force events and add mindless action just for the short-term payoff, my characters sound like a person of their world would, and I'm aiming for high-detailed characters and world building. I write for myself, for the reader in me, and the annoying bastard wants everything explained. 

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: May 16 ⏰

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