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“Clark???!!!” I said out of shock.

“Shhhh… don't want your sister to hear you do you???” He asked.

“What are you doing here??? You should be with your fiance right now.” I said as I looked around in worry.

“She will be fine….I don't think she will even notice I vanished with how engrossed she is about getting the perfect wedding dress.” 

“That doesn't answer my question Clark…what are you doing here??” I asked.

“I figured you could use a helping hand and I was right.” He said smiling.

“Go out or we are going to get caught…I don't want to start explaining to my sister what didn't happen.” I said.

He chuckled softly.

“What didn't happen?? Better still, do you want something to happen??” He asked, smirking.

Suddenly the dream I had started replaying in my head.

“Have you seen my sister Eva??” Rachel said from outside.

I started to panic as fear gripped me.

“I told you to go out, Clark…now she is going to…”

I didn't get to complete my words when he covered my mouth with his hand and moved so close to me.

“Your voice is the only reason why we are going to get caught.” He said in a whisper.

He looked into my eyes like he was looking right into my soul and I almost melted.

His gaze was enough to make a woman fall at his feet and beg him to be hers.

He moved his lips to my ears as I closed my eyes as my breathing became uneven.

“I'll be right outside if you need me and also, you look nice sister in law.” He said.


He chuckled as he opened the door and walked away.

I stood there looking so flushed and hot.

Clark was playing games with me and I was going to show him that two could play the game.

After checking out the dress, I instantly fell in love with it.

I walked outside of the dressing room to show the dress to my sister.

“Eva,where were you???!!! I've been looking all over for you.” She said.

“I'm sorry I was checking out this bridesmaid dress….is it nice???” I asked.

“Hmmm….not bad but I had something else in mind…come and try out this one.” She said as she pointed at a dress.

“Before I try it out, have you decided on your wedding dress??” I asked.

“No I haven't.” She said pouting.

“Why don't you ask Clark to help you out?” I asked.

“He is busy…I think he is on an important business call.”

“Okay….let me help you decide…show me your top three wedding dresses.” I said.

I had to do that because knowing my sister and how indecisive she could be, we would sleep over at the wedding shop.

She brought out the three she liked best and I helped her choose.

After we were done, Clark walked into the shop.

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