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“Eva, you need to come over to the house right now…it's an emergency.”

“What is it Mom?? What happened??” I asked in instant panic.

“Just come home Eva, it isn’t something I can say on the phone.” she said as she hung up the call.

Christina then walked in after a little while.

“Hey, I’ve ordered some pizza..extra cheese the way you like it.” she said.

“Thank you Christie but I think I will be heading home now.”

“You are joking right??? Don’t try me Eva.” 

“Mom just called and said there was an emergency at home and that I should come home now.”

“Emergency?? What sort of Emergency??”

“I really don’t know because she didn’t say.” I said.

“Are you sure it’s really an emergency?? Your mom is very good at raising false alarms.”

“I know right.” I said as we burst into laughter.

“So what’s going to happen to the Pizza I ordered??” she asked with a pouty face.

“Okay, I will stay until the pizza arrives and then take it home.”

“Fair enough.” she said.

“Anyway thank you so much.”

“Why are you thanking me like I am some sort of stranger?? Please quit doing that.”

“That reminds me, how is our man??” I asked.

“What man?? I broke up with that bastard.” she said.

“What?? When?? And why?”

“Can you believe that I asked him to be more romantic and he said he wasn’t born to be romantic?? Who says that?”

“Wait what??” I asked as I burst into laughter.

“I am serious what is he?? a mafia lord??”

“He wasn’t born to be romantic?? What sort of jerk says that??”

“I really don’t know and I don’t give a fuck….I want my man to be the most romantic person I can ever come across.”

“Well, I guess we are both twinning in singlevile.” I said.

“Oh not for long honey…I am already talking to someone else.” she said as she winked at me.

“Already?? Girl,you are something else.”

“Whatever girl.”

The doorbell suddenly rang and Christiana ran to answer it.

Few seconds later, she came in with the pizza.

“Hmm, it smells so good.” I said.

“As always….anyway you better be heading home now before your Mom calls me.”

“Rightt….take care girl and I will see you soon.”

“You too babe..and take it easy okay….also inform me of the emergency when you get home.”

“I will.” I said as I hugged her and left her apartment.

I finally got back to the house and as soon as I entered, my sister squealed so loudly that I almost had a heart attack.

“Where have you been??” she asked excitedly.

“I went out…what is the problem?? And where is mom??” I asked in confusion.

“She is in the kitchen bringing us some wine.” she said.

I was beginning to get so confused.

“Wine?? Why??”

“Tada!!!” she yelled as she showed me her finger.

I saw a huge diamond ring on it.

“He proposed!!!!” she squealed in happiness.

“Wait, how long have you been dating this guy again??” I asked.

“Eva, why can’t you always be genuinely happy for your sister??” my Mother said as she walked in on us.

“She doesn’t like me mom, that is why.” Rachel said, rolling her eyes.

“What do you mean by I don’t like you?? I only asked a simple question, Rachel.”

“And how is that your business?? I don’t see a ring in your finger.” My mom said to me.

“Mom, really?? That is what you have to say??”

“Am I wrong?? Your sister in a relationship of barely five months has already gotten a ring on her finger but you have been chasing off all the eligible bachelors with your character and you are one to talk??”

I wasn't feeling bad after she said those words to me because it wasn’t the first time.

Life with my sister has always been a competition and the moment things don't work out for me but works out for my sister, I get blacklashes from my Mom.

“Congratulations Rachel, I am happy for you.” I said.

“Mom, can you hear that??” Rachel said.

“Why are you like this Eva, why are you so jealous and envious of your sister??”

I suddenly burst into laughter.

“Jealous?? Envious?? Where is that coming from?? I have never been jealous or envious of Rachel because she is my younger sister and I have always wanted the best for her.”

“Then why haven’t you proved that??”

“How?? She came home with an engagement ring and as a sensible sister I asked how long has she been in the relationship?? 

“And how is that any of your concern Eva??? Is that the congratulations she is supposed to get from her older sister??”

“Mom, a relationship of barely five months and she is already accepting a ring??? Isn’t it too early to be thinking about the future with a guy she barely knows??” I asked.

“And who says I don’t know Clark??? He has shown me everything to know about him and I have even seen his family and they don’t have a problem with me so what is your problem Eva??” Rachel asked.

I only wanted the best for my sister and maybe it’s because of my past relationships and how it ended that makes me genuinely scared for Rachel but if this was the road she chose to go, I had no choice but to give her my full support.

“Rachel, I am deeply sorry and I am genuinely happy for you.…congratulations and I wish you and your fiance nothing but the very best.” I said.

“Thank you.” she said smiling.

“Now you are talking like my daughter….this calls for celebration!!! my daughter is getting married!!” My mother said.

“Yes mom!! Soon to be Mrs Rachel.” Rachel said.

“Yes and that reminds me…Rachel I want you to invite Clark over.” 

“When Mom??”


“Oh goodness, this is really happening.” I said as I sighed deeply.

What do you my lovelies think about Clark??? How is he going to be like??🤔🤔
Handsome, arrogant, simple or naughty 🤭🤭

Drop your comments 😉

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