Chapter 57

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A whimper left Jennifer's lips as she slowly woke. Her whole body screamed as if her muscles had been stretched to their breaking points, her skin was tight and her mouth was as dry as the desert. Her eyes felt like sandpaper and no matter how much she tried to blink there were no tears left in her body. If she didn't know any better she would have thought her bones were filled with cement, she couldn't even lift her head, it was so heavy. Her brain was so jumbled, it took everything in her to even remember to breathe it felt like.

In fact, she was encompassed in so much pain that it took her a few moments before she realized that she was no longer strapped into that blasted chair.

"Oh good, you have finally woken up," Mr. Nowak beamed as he entered the damp room. "Took you long enough that I was actually starting to worry I had given you too much. You should have woken when you were removed from your chair. Naughty."

Jennifer tried to push up into a sitting position but her hands gave out the instant she tried to push up, causing her to faceplant into the cement, the little air in her being forced out in a weak gasp.

"I dare say, I think you have finally broken," his amused chuckle sent shivers over her naked body. "Excellent, now your real training begins."

She wanted to think of some sort of response but her brain was just mush. She was willing to do anything at this point just to stop the pain and numbness. She didn't know it was possible to be completely numb and yet at the same time be filled with such pain that she was cold inside and out. She was just blank, that was the best way she could describe it. There was nothing left of her, absolutely nothing. She was just void of anything and everything.

"The twins will be most pleased with this news," he smirked as he kicked her ribs, causing her to roll over onto her back. Nothing left her body as her shoulder then spine hit the cold stone. She just stared up at the ceiling and waited for the next blow. "Good. Very good."

He crouched down and used his cane to turn her head to face him. His smile grew even more when he realized only blankness stared back at him. "Sir," a voice called from behind him.

"Get her cleaned up," Mr. Nowak demanded as he stood. "I need to give her husbands an update on how her progress is coming along. They will want to meet their wife so we can discuss the training they want and she must look presentable."

"Yes Sir," A female replied meekly. "White, Sir?"

Mr. Nowak smirked, "Of course. Only the best for the Lanstor twins. They want her perfect and she finally is. No more mistakes with this one."

Jennifer tried to care about what he said but she just couldn't. She just wanted a sweet release from this hell. She felt hands slip underneath her but when her head dropped back she could only see darkness. It felt like a woman and she assumed it was from the conversation but honestly at this point it could be a man and she wouldn't care. There was nothing left in her to care about her body being naked or her modesty. She knew she should but she just didn't. It's not like anyone would care anyway. She was nothing but their doll to do with as they pleased, that was her purpose in life after all.

"Come on, Miss," the female spoke just above a whisper, "time to get you all cleaned up."

Jennifer tried to look around but everything was blurry and spinning. She felt like she was spinning like those tea cups at carnivals. If she had anything in her stomach she was sure she would have thrown up but this was one of those times she was grateful she was empty. She wasn't sure she would be able to hold herself up if she got sick. It took so much out of her to just close her eyes. Maybe if she was able to close them then she could fall back into the abyss of nothing.

A bright light flashed before her eyes before she found herself surrounded by nothing but whiteness. If she could feel she would think it was cold, maybe it was a good thing she couldn't feel at the moment. A loud crash and multiple screams came from somewhere in the distance, startling the woman who was holding her. Jennifer felt herself being dropped and something hit her back and legs but all she could focus on was the black spots clouding her vision even more.

Warmth surrounded her suddenly, shocking her system as everything became fuzzy then the darkness started to cover her even more.

"Where is my wife?!?!"

That voice sounded so familiar but the warm darkness swallowed her before she could even try to think about it or her name being screamed, beckoning her back to the bright coldness. She welcomed the darkness once more.

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