Chapter 4: They'll Like You if You Try

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*****2 Weeks Later******


I pushed my broom around the quiet and empty diner. The only sound was of the bristles scraping the floor and Risha scrubbing the windows. Ever since I had kicked the jerk who grabbed Risha out of the diner Mr.McCreepy had been making us stay after hours to clean the diner, no pay. It was a drag clocking in all this extra time without any money to show for it but it wasn't so bad spending time with Risha. Over the last few weeks between work and walking her home which I had made a habit of I had gotten to know her a lot better and she wasn't so bad. Still as stubborn as ever but not bad. She really respected my music which was a nice change from the people who told me it was a "silly dream" and I was "wasting my time". I bent down to hold the dustpan to sweep my gatherings in.

"I'm finished, almost done?" I looked up at an exhausted but smiling Risha.

"Yeah, just let me finish this up." I replied. Risha began putting things back into the supply closet. It was the same boring cycle every day: the place gets messy, we clean until it's spotless, and then it gets messy again the next day. It was kind of funny how Mr. McCreepy wanted me to stay away from Risha, but forced me to work late into the night with only her. She was too shy to ask Mr. McCreepy to loosen up on her dress code, which meant she ranted to me about it after hours. I still wasn't much help on that; all I could really do was let her wear one of my jackets each day. It was better than nothing. After putting everything away we locked up and started towards Risha's flat. It was chilly without my jacket but I was glad at least she was warm. I looked up at the night sky. It was cloudy but the moon peeked out from behind the dark clouds. It looked like rain. Of course, it always looked like rain in London. We rounded corners and walked down streets making light conversation until we were almost to Risha's flat. It began to sprinkle. I thought about tomorrow. We both had the day off since the diner was closed. I would probably spend the day in my flat writing and going over demos. Just as I was thinking this Risha spoke up.

"Do you have much planned for you day off?" She asked.

"I was just thinking about that." I laughed, "I thought maybe I could do some writing but I'm not sure."

"That sounds nice."

"Do you have any plans?" I asked her. She looked down and kicked a rock, her mood seemed to shift.

"No, not really." She said softly. I realized I didn't know anything about Risha's life outside of work. She never talked about other friends and frankly with how much we worked I don't know if she had any, there was really no time.

"You know you could come over tomorrow." I blurted out without really thinking.

"What?" I thought about what I said. It wasn't really a bad idea. We only saw each other at work. It would maybe be nice to get to know each other outside of it.

"Yeah, we could hang out at my flat, I mean unless you have something else you'd rather do."

Risha didn't respond for a moment. She looked like she was thinking it over. She began to speak, hesitated and then smiled.

"You know, I think I would like that." She replied. We were standing outside her flat now. I gave her my address.

"I have to warn you though, I live below my family and we might run into them."

"Oh, well that's fine, I'm sure they're lovely people." She said politely.

We exchanged our goodbyes and she went inside.

Risha's POV

I stepped into my apartment and realized I was still wearing Mika's jacket. I opened the front door hoping to catch him but he was no where in sight. I sighed. It wasn't that big of a deal I'd see him tomorrow but I still felt bad for him. It was pretty cold outside. Luckily he lived close. I walked to my bedroom changing out of the horrid dress into sweats and an oversized t-shirt. I laid Mika's jacket neatly on my bed. I went the kitchen and opened the fridge. There was almost nothing inside. I had been so wrapped up in work I hadn't had time to shop so I'd been living off canned food and frozen dinners. I thought about ordering take out but at this time of night I doubted anything was open. I unwilling decided on a frozen dinner. I popped one into the microwave and wandered to the sitting room to wait. I plopped down into my favorite chair and pulled out the note with Mika's address on it to plan out my route tomorrow. I read the address and realized that it was the same one that was on his CD. But that couldn't be right. The address listed was on the other side of town. I sat confused for a few moments till it dawned on me. Moose had lied. He didn't live close by at all. He had probably just said that so I wouldn't argue about him walking me home. I felt a sudden lump in my throat. He had walked all that way completely out of his way to make sure I got home safe. And had been doing so ever since. I was touched by his kindness. I'd have to find a way to repay him. My thoughts were interrupted by the beeping of the timer. I got up and went to get my dinner. Before I reached the microwave though my phone rang. I answered.

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