Chapter 2: Egotastic Risha

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Risha's POV

I woke up the next morning and stretched my arms out to pull John into a warm cuddle. I hadn't opened my eyes yet. All I felt were pillows and messy sheets. John must've gotten out of bed early. I sat up and finally opened my eyes, rubbing them and blinking. Sunlight poured through the window and I looked around. I wasn't in John's flat. I wasn't in our bed. I was home.

Events from the night before suddenly came rushing back. I didn't want to believe it at all. It's funny how one event can throw your life completely off balance. I stared at my almost blank walls. It had been months since I had been back here and all of my stuff besides what I had managed to carry back last night was still at John's. I didn't want to think about how I was going to handle that. I could worry about that later. I went over to my dresser and picked up the flimsy box with my things. I rummaged through it looking for a new outfit. I picked out a shirt and shook it out to see if it was presentable. Something clattered to the floor.

I bent down and picked up the strange plastic square, turning it over. It was a CD case. I carefully pulled it open and saw a spotless silver disk held in place, with a small label on it. It read 'Mika Penniman - Over My Shoulder'. Under it was an address. In the mix up at the station last night, I had managed to accidentally take one of Mika's demos. Sighing, I decided I should return it to the address written. I started to put on some decent clothing when I realized that the address listed was at the other side of town.

But I thought Mika lived in this direction!

Maybe it was a work address or something different. I placed the CD on my nightstand so I wouldn't lose it. What was I supposed to do with my life now? I didn't have a job, I lost my boyfriend...what now?

Images of what I had witnessed last night began crawling their way back into my head. I cringed and tried to shake it out. I felt like a giant weight had been placed on me. My heart felt heavy and I felt sick to my stomach. Wiping away a tear that escaped, I crawled back into bed.

Mika's POV

I awoke with a massive pounding in my head. Because of missing the train and then my rather large detour I hadn't arrived home till half past three in the morning. I groaned as I sat up and looked at my clock. It was almost noon. I had a shift at the diner at 1 o'clock. I headed to the kitchen to put the kettle on. On the kitchen table sat my box of demos. I'd forgotten to put those away last night. I put the kettle on and returned my attention to my CD's. I was rather OCD about them. They all had to be in a certain order. I began to look through them. Something was off. I opened each case up. Yes, each CD was in their case. I pulled them out of the box and counted. 11. There were 11 demos in front of me. I felt the blood drain from my face. There were supposed to be 12. Each of these precious CD's contained hours of my hard work. And now one was gone. I thought back to last night. I must've not picked it up after I ran into Risha. I thought about going back there but realized it was too late, how was I so - POP!!!! My thoughts were interrupted by a loud popping noise followed by a sizzling and a burning smell. What the bloody hell? I turned around to face my stove. The fucking kettle had just exploded. Piece of shit. I waited until it stop steaming and was cool enough to pick up. My kitchen floor was now had a big pool of water in the middle. I carelessly dropped the kettle into the garbage. Fucking rubbish. I got a huge wad of paper towels and began cleaning up the mess it left behind. The water was fairly warm. I wonder how many trees I wasted trying to dry up that thing.

By the time I finished and looked up at the clock, I was already late for work. I debated whether I should call in sick or not. I had a strong feeling I'd get fired for another absence. I quickly slipped into a white shirt and some bright orange skinny jeans. The first shoes I could find were my white Converse hightops, and I threw those on as well. Then I rushed out of the door, speed-walking to work.

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