Chapter 1

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                                                                                            Chapter One


A loud buzzing sound came from the alarm system in her house down stairs.

She would have to get the nerve to go down the creepy vintage tight hall and down the stairs then to the green and old rusted door to turn it off.

Her father who was a hard working man who just so happened to be a cop was out of town and was on a business trip for a three day week and she was home alone, reading horror comic books.

Was it just a bug that triggered the alarm? Or was there actually someone here? She pondered as she stood up and grabbed her taser and gun and cocked and loaded the gun.

Yes, as her father was a professional cop he had taught her how to use a gun and a taser. So, it was a good thing she knew how to use the damn thing! She thought as she went to hide in the shadows of the corner of the walk in closet and shut the draped door.

It was one in the morning and thundering outside very loudly it made her nerves go off.

Just then a loud voice almost mimicking the thunder came through her bedroom.

"Come out, come out, little blood bag!" A Voice shouted. Her hair on her arms stood up and she got goosebumps.

She was in trouble!

Putting the gun and taser down she grabbed her iphone and dialed the police and then her father who didn't answer. Ironically, he usually does, but this time, he didn't!

Which wasn't good.

What the heck? Who was that? She shivered as she held the taser in her hands.

She was shaking everywhere. One would've thought her father locked her outside where it rained heavily and she was going to get a cold from shaking so much.

"I smell your fear! Ah, I do love a good scare, human!" She gulped and hid in the shadows of the corner. The beams coming from her lamp by her night stand are shown in the corner.

Sapphire stood up and almost peed herself when she heard the man enter her Master vintage Bedroom. His footsteps echoed as the boots clicked against the marbled floor.

Shit! She thought with a small gasp and covered her mouth.

In a fast motion, the door flung open and her taser was snatched from her hands. She screamed as the intruder grabbed her and lifted her in the air.

He sniffed her neck and she screamed again. He tossed her to the floor and she knew that'll leave a bruise!

"Human, why hide from me? Hmm?" He hissed.

She shivered as she stood up and went for the taser but he moved his hands in the air and tossed her in the air again. Her gun fired in the air loudly as he tossed it to the red and black carpet. She screamed as it fired loudly.

Neighbor's light's turned on from the neighborhood and soon enough cars came screeching to a halt to her rescue.

But would it be too late for someone to save her?

He walked up to her and lifted her in the air. Her breath hitched in her throat.

The ghostly pale vampire was very strong in an unnatural kind of way!

"Tell me, little human." He hummed, and tapped her porcelain white chin.

"Do you have feelings for me? A (Vampire)?" He questioned and put her to the ground, her feet touching the floors.

She gasped. Mortified.

"No!" She gulped, not liking this.

He crossed his pale ghost white arms over his chest and smirked. Why was he so cocky? She didn't understand.

"Look, you can't deny you don't have an attraction for the undead!" She rolled her eyes, snorting. Her? Like a Vampire? Since, when? As if reading her mind, he narrowed his eyes and grimaced.

"Do you wish to become like me?" His accent is thick and strong. Was it Russian or Italian? She couldn't quite catch it.

His deep voice held malice and a threat in his tone. She shivered, making him feel confident in himself for scaring a young Mortal.

"Sapphire, why don't you come back with me?" She took a step back, her back hitting the lilac wall.

How did he know her name? That was so... strange!

She bit her lip and shook her head, her untamed curly midnight black hair falling into her gold and amber bright lively eyes closed as she breathed in his scent. It was like sewer and trash. What did she expect a pale undead creature to smell like?

Honey and roses? She snorted and he glared again.

"Scared? Good." He clapped his hands. Why did he have to be here?

Where was her father the (Cop!)? Sapphire wished she had her taser, but the Vampire stole it! And the gun vanished after being fired.

"You're going to come with me. And be my blood bag, Mortal. Rather you like it or not!" She gulped. No! She didn't want him to take her blood! No! No!

"Anything but that!"

"Well, you could always become my wife." He clicked his tongue against his fangs. A Wife? She was only Seventeen!

"No!" She pleaded for mercy.

He lifted her chin with his finger and made her look at him in his deep red wine dark colored doe eyes.

She shivered, and fell to the ground collapsing into sobs.

Sapphire wished he didn't exist! She could never like a Vampire. Ever!

"I am a Powerful, money hungry, blood lusting, King. My Wife died at the hands of a Hunter, and I need someone to be my aid." She shook her head. No!

"You will do as I say. Pack your things, you're coming with me! And that's the finale!" He shouted, his voice echoing the thick walls.

She stood up slowly and went to grab her vintage brown and red tinted bag and began to pack things up.

The door pounded and people came rushing in but the weird thing was as the cops searched for her and held their guns in the air, they saw that nobody was there.

Why couldn't the cop's see her and the Vampire?

And did the Vampire just compel her into doing as he said? Now zipping thing's up, she made sure to grab her taser after finding it and stuffing it into her bag.

He glared as rain poured down.

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