Chapter 80

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In contrast to the tumult of the Yu and Zhao households, life was serene for Alex Ye and Michelle Xia. One afternoon, Alex left work early, intending to pick up his child from kindergarten. The child was overjoyed to see her father coming to get her that day. Lately, it had mostly been her mother, Michelle, doing the pickups. When her dad picked her up, it often meant a delightful detour to grab a delicious slice of cake, with an extra slice for her mom. And if she acted sweetly towards her mother, Michelle might even let her sneak an extra bite of her slice.

Just thinking about it made Lizzy Xia feel like the luckiest child in the world!

With her little legs, Lizzy dashed over to Alex Ye, her laughter soft and sweet. "Daddy, let's buy a yummy cake for Mommy, okay?" she chirped.

Pausing to feign a sigh of concern, she added dramatically, "Mommy's been so busy writing again. She works so hard." Thus, the need for the scrumptious cake. Whether or not she got to eat some was secondary; the primary objective was to bring one home for Mommy. Really!

Observing his daughter's clumsy act, Alex couldn't help but chuckle. He reached down to ruffle her hair, replying gently, "Alright, let's get Mommy her cake." Without waiting for her to react, he teased, "Lizzy won't eat the cake, right? We should hurry home so Mommy can enjoy it sooner."

Lizzy blinked, "Lizzy can wait to eat her cake at home too."

Finally letting out a hearty laugh, Alex left Lizzy realizing that her dad had been teasing her all along. She pouted, feeling a bit wronged. "Daddy is so naughty! Just like Mommy, always making fun of me," she thought indignantly. "Lizzy's mad now!"

In the end, Alex treated Lizzy to a piece of cake at a café around the corner and also picked up Michelle's favorite flavor for her.

On their way home, knowing well what his daughter was scheming, he said, "Once we're home, Lizzy, you can't sneak any of Mommy's cake, okay?"

Lizzy feigned deafness, ignoring him. In her mind, she was determined to sneak a bite of her mother's cake. Seeing her reaction, Alex offered, "If you promise not to, I'll take you for another cake tomorrow."

Lizzy swiftly weighed her options. At home, she'd get to sneak just a tiny bite from her mother's cake. But if she waited until tomorrow, she'd have an entire slice to herself. A smart kid knows how to choose.

She nodded quickly in agreement, "Okay! Lizzy won't touch Mommy's cake!"

Once they reached home, the first thing Lizzy did was dash over to Michelle to give her a big hug and a kiss, marking her daily ritual of showering her mom with affection.

Michelle Xia was still engrossed in her writing when her little one approached, seeking affection. Obliging, Michelle gently tousled the child's hair and planted a kiss on her rosy cheeks. Once the child was content, Michelle gently ushered her away, wanting to return to her work.

Yet, it wasn't long before the child returned. Dragging her tiny stool and table, she settled next to Michelle, diligently sketching on her paper.

Lizzy Xia declared, "Lizzy will be very quiet. I won't disturb Mommy while she writes!"

Even though the child was genuinely quiet, Michelle couldn't help but glance over at her from time to time. The mere presence of her little one was becoming a delightful distraction, slowing down her writing speed considerably.

Eventually, Michelle decided to set her work aside. The two retreated to the living room, immersing themselves in an animated movie. Michelle noticed a small cake on the dining table. With a sly smile, she beckoned Lizzy over to share it.

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