Chapter 8

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Alex thought he had been too naïve. He had assumed Eleanor was simply being helpful due to her ample free time when she offered to assist with Lizzy's preschool preparations. Little did he realize, Eleanor was merely passing the buck.
Alex glanced at Lizzy and met her expectant gaze, suppressing a chuckle. Lizzy was indeed at the age where she should be attending preschool and mingling with peers of her age. He was aware that Michelle didn't want to deal with Lizzy's school matters, which left an unsettling feeling in his heart. But considering that over the years, it was Michelle who took care of Lizzy alone, it seemed only fair that now it was his turn. Pushing away those unsettling feelings, he said, "If Michelle truly doesn't have the time, I can handle Lizzy's preschool admission."
Hearing this, Michelle expressed profound gratitude. "Thank you so much, Mr. Ye." She wished that all matters concerning Lizzy could be left to Alex, wanting to distance herself entirely. Michelle slowly, deliberately, wanted to sever her ties with Lizzy, making it easier for her to step away.
She had gotten a grasp of Michelle's background - a young woman who had dropped out of college in her second year after becoming pregnant. To make ends meet, she wrote articles for new media, traded gaming accounts, offered gaming coaching, and had a part-time job at an internet café. Michelle felt that this "Michelle" character resembled her quite closely. But she was sure she wouldn't have made such impulsive decisions as dropping out or having a child out of wedlock. Before arriving in this world, she had only reached her junior year in college. Even if she wanted to continue her studies, she might need to retake the entrance exams. Michelle did some mental math regarding her age and the years she'd need for her education, sighing at the realization.
With Lizzy always clinging to her side, Michelle found it challenging to do much. The young girl would always seek her out the moment she was out of sight. Michelle was keen on getting Lizzy to bond with Eleanor. Knowing Lizzy's love for cherries, she'd often tease that Eleanor had lots of them. The little girl, with her short, chubby legs, would then scurry off to Eleanor, only to return triumphantly with two juicy cherries, offering them to Michelle like prized possessions.
Michelle murmured, "Thank you, Lizzy."
Witnessing this, Eleanor found it amusing but kept her composure. "Children are always closest to their mothers," Eleanor remarked, "Look how fond Lizzy is of you."
Michelle pondered Eleanor's words, wondering if there was some hidden resentment towards Lizzy. Wanting to ensure Eleanor didn't harbor any negative feelings towards the child, Michelle replied, "Exactly, children gravitate towards those who spend time with them. In the future, you and Mr. Ye should spend more time with her."
Eleanor met Michelle's eyes, offering a smile without uttering a word, leaving Michelle feeling uneasy.
Even with Alex's busy work schedule, he quickly arranged for little Lizzy's admission to kindergarten.
In their vicinity, there were two prestigious kindergartens to consider: Rivenhold Experimental Kindergarten and Rivenhold First Kindergarten. Alex and Eleanor were leaning towards the former. The Rivenhold Experimental Kindergarten, commonly referred to as Rivenhold School, was an all-day institution that included middle school, primary school, and kindergarten levels. It provided multi-lingual education, but its high tuition fees positioned it as an elite school.
Michelle, however, was at a loss, not fully grasping the specifics or significance of the two choices. But when Alex and Eleanor suggested the Rivenhold School, Michelle simply responded, "If Mr. Ye thinks it's best, then that's the one we should go for."
Alex began to outline the benefits of the school to Michelle, but she cut him off, saying, "Mr. Ye, I trust your judgment." He was taken aback, sensing an underlying indifference from Michelle, not just towards him, but more strikingly towards Lizzy.
Having settled on the Rivenhold School, Alex mentioned to Michelle, "I've already discussed everything with the school authorities. We just need to go and sign the papers tomorrow." He implied that all three of them would go together, but Michelle seemed reluctant to accompany them.
"You can just take Lizzy tomorrow," Michelle said with a nonchalance that again conveyed her distant attitude.
Alex looked deeply into her eyes, trying to fathom whether she was genuinely disinterested or merely feigning indifference. Was she trying to maintain a strategic distance, or did she genuinely want no involvement in Lizzy's affairs?
Pausing thoughtfully, Alex eventually remarked, "Many children cry and make a fuss on their first day of kindergarten when they don't see their parents." Michelle contemplated this, realizing the accuracy of his statement. Given Lizzy's attachment to her, the child might break into tears even before reaching the school gates.
Feeling somewhat distressed, Michelle sighed, admitting, "Mr. Ye, I'll make sure to comfort Lizzy tonight. She probably won't cry tomorrow."
Seeing her steadfast decision not to accompany them to the school, Alex simply nodded. "Alright," he conceded, "Thank you."
With a light smile, Michelle replied, "It's no trouble at all."
Observing her inscrutable smile, Alex felt that Michelle's demeanor was contradictory. Both he and Eleanor had noticed Michelle's somewhat lukewarm attitude towards Lizzy ever since she approached their family. However, contrary to expectations, Michelle wasn't using Lizzy as leverage for a marriage proposal, nor was she seeking any financial gains. Her actions seemed to indicate that all she wanted was to return Lizzy to Alex's care.
As a mother, Michelle's attitude perplexed Alex. While her concern for Lizzy seemed genuine, she appeared uninterested in being involved in the child's day-to-day life.
That evening, the servant delivered Lizzy's school uniform, backpack, water bottle, handkerchief, toys, and a change of clothes – all prepared by Alex for her first day. Knowing about Lizzy's upcoming start at kindergarten, Eleanor generously handed her a sizable red envelope, a gesture of goodwill.
"Lizzy, when you start kindergarten, remember to listen to your teachers and behave," Eleanor said with a playful smile.
Having never received such a gift before, Lizzy looked up at Michelle with wide, questioning eyes, silently asking for permission. After receiving a nod of approval from Michelle, Lizzy accepted the envelope, her young voice filled with gratitude as she muttered, "Thank you." Moments later, she toddled over to Michelle and handed her the red envelope.
Seeing this, Eleanor couldn't help but chuckle, leaving Michelle feeling somewhat embarrassed. Michelle's concerns were growing. Such closeness with the child wasn't necessarily a blessing in her eyes.
After dinner, Michelle took Lizzy back to their room for a bath and, along the way, she wanted to give Lizzy a little lesson on love.
Michelle never attended preschool herself, but she had a rough idea of what it was like. She briefly explained it to Lizzy, then cut to the chase: "Tomorrow, it'll be Lizzy's dad who takes you to preschool. You have to listen to him, okay? No crying, no fussing, alright?"
Lizzy nodded obediently, her face taking on a serious expression. "Lizzy understands," she declared. After a pause, her large round eyes blinked in curiosity. "What about Sissy? Isn't Sissy taking Lizzy tomorrow?"
Michelle thought to herself, amazed at her quickly spotting the missing piece. Trying to sway Lizzy's attention, she replied, "Sissy will pick you up from preschool in the evening."
Lizzy looked down, pondering over Michelle's words for a while. When realization hit, she seemed a tad disheartened, murmuring a low "oh", her voice tinged with a hint of sadness.
Seeing her little darling's disappointment, Michelle's heart softened. She didn't want Lizzy to become too dependent on her, so she just reached out to pat Lizzy's head affectionately. Changing the topic, Michelle gently coaxed, "Tomorrow, Lizzy will wear a uniform to preschool and learn with other kids." She continued, "How about Sissy helps Lizzy try on her new uniform now?"
Children are always curious about new things. Having never worn a uniform before, Lizzy nodded eagerly. The uniform from Rivenhold School was a light shade of yellow, exuding a childlike innocence. Its fabric was soft to touch, ensuring comfort for the child.
After helping Lizzy into the uniform, Michelle couldn't help but compliment her. The outfit made the already adorable child even more endearing. "Lizzy looks so cute in the uniform!" She asked, "Look in the mirror, do you like it? Do you think it's pretty?"
Hearing praises always warms a child's heart. Lizzy's face turned a bit shy, but she nodded timidly, whispering, "Lizzy likes it. It's pretty."
Michelle proceeded to help Lizzy with her backpack and had her face the mirror to admire her reflection. Children never seem to understand the concept of "boredom"; Lizzy could spend ages admiring her reflection, forgetting her earlier woes.
Ever since Michelle and Lizzy moved into Alex's house, Eleanor had made it clear that Alex should be home every evening. Alex, being a workaholic, always took work home. Despite his tendency to immerse himself in his job, he understood the importance of spending time with Lizzy, especially now that she had just returned. Michelle always looked for opportunities for Lizzy to spend more time with Alex and Eleanor.
Michelle was well aware that after dinner, Alex usually retreated to his study to continue working, while Eleanor sat on the couch, pampering her cat and watching variety shows. It wasn't hard to find them.
While Lizzy was engrossed in her reflection, Michelle playfully suggested, "How about showing grandma and daddy how Lizzy looks in her uniform?"
Lizzy seemed hesitant but eventually nodded. After a few days together, she recognized the quiet man as her dad and the kind woman, always offering cherries, as her grandma. Both were fond of her, and she reciprocated the affection.
Michelle initially thought of letting Lizzy approach Alex and Eleanor on her own, but then decided to accompany her. Hand in hand, they were about to head downstairs when Lizzy tugged at Michelle's hand, looking up with those big eyes. When Michelle bent down to her level, she saw the familiar look of hurt on Lizzy's face.
Smiling, albeit a bit forced, Michelle cooed, "What's the matter, Lizzy? Are you unhappy?" She added, "If you don't want to go to grandma and daddy, we won't. Is that okay?"
Lizzy pouted, her voice tiny and sulky, "Lizzy likes grandma, likes daddy, but Lizzy loves Sissy the most."
Michelle was taken aback by the child's candid confession. She thought to herself how bright Lizzy was. But nothing prepared her for the next, heart-wrenching question from the little one, "Mommy, will you ever leave Lizzy?" This time, Lizzy didn't use the term "Sissy", she used "Mommy".

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