Chapter 5

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Upon hearing Alex's suggestion for a paternity test the next day, Michelle didn't hesitate. "Alright, let's do it tomorrow then." She had no doubts about the results; Lizzy was Alex's child.
Eleanor's face, however, had lost its earlier color. Just moments before, she had adamantly proclaimed that there were things her son "would never do," only for him to essentially refute her words directly. Eleanor felt as if she had been publicly contradicted, and now, no matter how she looked at Alex, irritation bubbled up. It irked her, especially considering how fervently she had just defended him. She hadn't imagined her son could be this type of person. There was now a hint of disdain in her gaze towards him.
Before Alex's return, Eleanor had initiated a brief investigation into Michelle. While the information wasn't particularly exhaustive, she had managed to gather some basic data about her age, education, and work history. What surprised her was that Michelle, despite her young age, had been raising Lizzy entirely on her own without any apparent assistance. Knowing this, Eleanor wasn't shocked upon discovering the debts Michelle had accumulated. It made sense. A woman without a stable income, striving not only to fend for herself but also a child, might resort to unconventional means in desperate times. Oddly enough, Eleanor found herself empathizing with Michelle. And for that very reason, she couldn't help but feel a tad more disdainful towards Alex. But all of this hinged on one crucial fact — that Lizzy was truly Alex's child.
The decision was made: the three would go for a paternity test tomorrow. As such, there seemed to be no point in lingering over further conversation now.
Alex's thoughts were preoccupied with his work, and he made it clear he'd be leaving soon. Just before his departure, he took a moment to look intently at Michelle, as if trying to ascertain something. Her face remained impassive, her light brown eyes meeting his without giving away any emotions. Without uttering a word, Alex then left the study.
Michelle's thoughts immediately went to Lizzy; she had no intention of staying behind to engage in idle tea-time chatter with Eleanor. For Eleanor's part, she was keen to return to the novel she had been engrossed in, hence she wasn't particularly keen on keeping Michelle around either.
Alex intended to take Lizzy with him to the paternity test center the next day. The professionals there would handle the sample collection, which was certainly more reliable than any DIY approach they might have considered. With the shared plan to visit the testing center, both Alex and Eleanor thought it logical for Michelle and Lizzy to spend the night at the Ye residence. However, neither mother nor daughter seemed thrilled with that idea.
For Lizzy, her objection was simple: she was particular about where she slept. Regardless of the abundance of cartoons available for her viewing at the Ye's, if she didn't like a bed, she simply didn't. As for Michelle, she wanted to return home to better understand her current situation. Having just arrived in this world, she felt like a stranger in unfamiliar territory. It was vital for her to understand what "Michelle" had been up to previously in order to continue living in her assumed identity. After all, what if she woke up the next day to find menacing figures demanding debts at her door?
Eleanor was insistent on keeping them for the night, making it hard for Michelle to politely decline.
When Michelle returned to the guest room expecting to find the little one engrossed in cartoons, she was taken aback to see the child sprawled out, almost drooling in slumber, with her head resting on Alex's thigh.
"Why is Alex here?" she wondered, startled.
The man who usually busied himself with endless tasks and was solely devoted to his work was actually spending time watching cartoons with a toddler? And letting the child use his leg as a pillow?
Michelle approached with mixed emotions, intending to wake Lizzy. However, as she neared, Alex held up a hand, silently signaling her not to wake the child.
"Lizzy took some medicine; it makes her drowsy," he whispered. He had experienced the same side effect when he was ill. After the medicine, he'd drift into a deep sleep, waking up refreshed and feeling better.
Feeling somewhat embarrassed, Michelle quietly apologized. Gazing at the peacefully sleeping child, she gently lifted her into her arms. It was serendipitous that Alex was there. She'd been meaning to speak with him, and this saved her the effort of searching for him.
With a gentle expression and a hint of urgency, she looked at him, asking, "Mr. Ye, could you drive us home? I have some matters to attend to." She continued in a plea-like tone, "I'm really sorry for the inconvenience, but could you also come to pick us up tomorrow morning?"
Compared to Eleanor, Alex was indeed more approachable.
He considered her request, then queried, "It's quite late. Are you sure you want to leave now?"
Michelle nodded, feigning concern, "Lizzy is particular about where she sleeps. I worry she might wake up distressed in the middle of the night."
Realizing Michelle's determination, Alex was about to instruct the butler to arrange for a driver. But Michelle quickly interjected, "Why don't you drive us tonight and come to pick us up tomorrow?" She pretended it was to save him the trouble of finding her place the next day. However, the real reason was she didn't want Eleanor to discover their departure so soon. If Alex informed the butler, Eleanor would surely find out immediately. Michelle would rather delay that discovery, fearing Eleanor's reaction.
Comparatively, Alex was truly more amenable than Eleanor.
Hearing Michelle's reasoning, Alex nodded thoughtfully and acquiesced. "Alright, I'll drive you home."
Relieved, Michelle exhaled deeply.
MIchelle resided in a modest one-bedroom apartment, a fair distance from the Ye residence.
When Alex escorted Michelle home, they set a time for the following day's rendezvous, and he intended to depart as soon as they entered the building. Holding the sleeping Lizzy proved a bit too taxing for Michelle. Observing this, Alex offered, "Let me help you upstairs."
However, Michelle declined with a shake of her head. As she prepared to ascend the stairs, she hesitated. After a moment of contemplation, she lifted her gaze to find Alex already watching her intently. He sensed she wanted to convey something, and, noticing her hesitancy, he prompted, "Is there something else?"
Clutching the little one in her arms a bit tighter, Michelle sighed deeply. She posed a rather direct question, "Mr. Ye, do you hope that Lizzy is your child?"
Alex didn't answer her question head-on, instead replying, "I won't shirk the responsibilities of fatherhood."
She pressed on, "But do you *hope* she's your child?"
His response was an extended silence. Michelle couldn't help but let out another sigh. Eventually, Alex explained, "Lizzy doesn't resemble me at all. While she's undeniably adorable, it's hard for me to foster any expectations." He added, emphasizing a point, "Especially since Lizzy isn't the 'fruit of our love.' Having met her for the first time today, it's genuinely hard to form a connection."
The two shared a lengthy silence before finally exchanging goodbyes, each heading their separate ways.
The following morning, Alex arrived early, waiting beneath Michelle's apartment building. However, to his surprise, Michelle and Lizzy were already there, anticipating him.
After a night's rest, Lizzy seemed invigorated. Her fever had all but vanished. Recognizing Alex as the uncle who had accompanied her during an animated film session the day before, the always-polite Lizzy greeted him with a radiant smile, "Good morning, Uncle!"
Alex chuckled, "Good morning, Lizzy."
Turning his gaze to Michelle, he noticed she looked weary, her energy drained. Picking up on his concerned look, Michelle explained, "Lizzy was up for a long while during the night."
Understanding her implication, Alex mused that the child must've been quite lively during the night after having slept too much during the day. But upon hearing her mother's words, Lizzy pouted, thinking to herself, 'I was sleeping all night!'
This morning's agenda was merely a sample collection, with the identification results expected by the afternoon. Eleanor, who had no pressing engagements, hadn't bothered to show up. While she might be occasionally tardy, she never misses a significant event.
In the afternoon, as Alex went to collect the results, Eleanor was already at the Ye residence, eagerly waiting alongside Michelle and Lizzy, anxious to be the first to see the identification outcome.
Noticing Alex's return, Eleanor inquired with a smirk, "Nervous?"
Having already perused the results, Alex merely glanced at her, replying nonchalantly, "Not at all. Everything's fine." Handing her the envelope, Eleanor was unsure about the contents, especially given his serene demeanor and the lack of resemblance between Lizzy and him.
Receiving the envelope, Eleanor skimmed the contents before silently tucking the results back and handing it to Michelle. Michelle, momentarily baffled by her actions, wondered if Lizzy wasn't Alex's child. However, upon examining the results, it was clear; Lizzy was indeed his daughter.
She quizzically proposed, "Should Lizzy and I also undergo an identification test to prove I'm her mother?"
Looking first at Michelle and then at Lizzy, Alex remarked on their striking resemblance, implying there was no doubt about their mother-daughter relationship. Observing Eleanor's uncharacteristic unease, he felt a sense of equilibrium.
"I just didn't expect to unexpectedly find out about having such a grown daughter," he confessed.
Michelle chuckled, realizing his initial shock. "Such blessings are not bestowed upon everyone," she teased.

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