Chapter 5 Golden Deer

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She could hardly believe her eyes...
Big green bird in the sunlight  His fur was so shiny that he couldn't take his eyes off it.

Dad!  Mom!  Why does Jatayu look better in the book and in the Khon drama?  It is truly a blessing for her. 
She never dreamed that she would see it with her own eyes.
Jatayu flew down to the ashram before transforming into a human.

-"It's been a long time, Ramasita and Lakshmana."

-"Lord Jatayu !  We miss you so much.  What's the matter?"

-"I'm fine. If I hadn't flown here, I probably wouldn't have met the three of you."
The conversation between Rama and Jadayu is like the discussion of Ramayana.  There isn't much to see. Most of them are boring like a work meeting. 
And she said nothing but smiled.  But when you think about it  Sadayu looked so much like a man in his 20s that she wondered why he was so underrepresented in literature. He appeared and died within minutes.

Thinking about it, his life is secretly miserable...
-"I'm guessing. Is it just my imagination? Or does Sita look different?"
Jadaya greeted him because he saw that she was wearing a loincloth instead of a sarong, which had her hair cut short and simple.

-"The weather was just hot, so I cut my hair"
She smiled in a friendly way, not knowing that someone was watching her.
But the weather is really hot. 
She's not really used to the weather here.

-"I'm going to talk about your father"

She was starting to miss the old man already...  She looked at the sky before muttering in her heart.
Talk about her father. 
She was starting to miss the old man already...  She looked at the sky before muttering in her heart :

"Papa, tu me manques beaucoup, mais s'il te plaît, continue à vivre pour mes frères et sœurs et maman aussi"

(Translation: “Papa, I miss you very much.  But please continue living for my siblings and mother”)

She misses home, she misses her father, she misses her mother, she misses her older brother, she misses her younger sibling. Until now, she probably still can't accept that she's dead, uncle Kumbhakarna and uncle Vibhishana must always comfort them. 
She thinking about aunt Shurpanakha too...  Her aunt is a kind person.
Whenever she wants something, she always buys it for her. 
If I could go back and get my cell phone, it would be great. I would be able to chat with my family all the time, but it would only be a dream for her.
She still didn't know why she had appeared here or what she was doing.
The only thing that came with her was her strength.

- "Sita, is something wrong?"

Rama asked before sitting next to him.  Because he saw that his lover was just sitting there staring at the forest and not moving like a doll.

- “I miss home,” she replied.

- "House?  Do you mean Mithila City?” he asked.

In the girl's heart, she really wanted to tell her that she was not the real Sita but rather someone else who had come to live in her body, but she couldn't because if she told her she would be thought of as crazy.

- "Yes, but if I go, there won't be anyone to cook for me," she said, teasing the other party.

- "Eh?!!! Sita, don't tell the truth!  Saying this makes me feel hurt!” he said while his face was as red as a tomato.

She saw his reaction making her laugh. Rama looked at her and smiled.  Because it had been a while since she had smiled or laughed like this.
This man may be useless in battle, but he is kind and gentlemanly. 
But if he weren't so stupid, people would respect him a lot.
Suddenly, her eyes fell on a deer.  Its body was not like other deer, it was a golden deer…

Wait a minute, this scene looks familiar.

What the hell...

- "That golden deer...."
She started to feel dizzy...  It's not what she think, right?

In the story “The Golden Deer is the transformed form of the giant Marisa in the hope of tricking Sita into casting. Then Sita begged her husband, Rama, to go and get her”
She don't want to be rude, but is it too fast?!  She only been getting to know Jadayu for 10 minutes!

- "Sita, is something wrong?"
Rama asked after seeing his wife's face turn pale while looking at the golden deer.
She doesn't know how to answer...

- "What should I do?!  Between playing in the water and telling Rama that it was a giant.  What must I choose?!!!! "
Suddenly, Sita's surroundings stopped and everything turned gray! 
She looked shocked at what she saw.  Sita wonders if it's not a program or a universe controller like in isekai-style anime who stops time around the protagonist to chat with...

- “And you was right. Truly worthy of being the daughter of Ravana Lanka" The young man's voice sounded.
Sita turned to look behind her and was shocked!
- "WHA-?!  And you are...?" Before she could finish speaking,  she had just been teleported to a luxurious dining table.

“You must be surprised.  But it doesn't matter because I myself was surprised that Mandodari gave birth to you who looked like Ravana a drop of water.”

Sky blue eyes looked into her green eyes.  She didn't expect that she would meet Vali Khaetkhin, the real father of the 2nd brother of the Lanka family, Angada, at a time like this...

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⏰ Last updated: May 16 ⏰

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