he writes volcano for you - Stray Kids ninth member (requested)

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"Y/N? Are you busy?" Jisung asked as he stepped into the living room, where you were sitting around and talking to the boys.

Jisung held his hand out for you to take after you shook your head and your heart fluttered as you took it and felt his fingers wrap around yours.

"I have something I want you to hear."

"Okay." You said as he led you to his room.

He closed the door most of the way, allowing for you both to have some privacy.

"I wrote a new song and I'm going to put it out for the replay on our channel. But I wanted you to be the first to hear it." He said.

Your heart skipped a beat at the thought of him wanting you to be the first of anyone else to listen to the new masterpiece he's been working hard on.

"What's it called?"

"Volcano." He replied as he sat down beside you. "I wrote it about you."

"About me?" You asked before a smile began to tug at your lips. "Really?"

"Yeah. The last few months have been hard on you. We've all seen the hate you've dealt with and I know how badly it affected you. So I wrote this and since it's about you, I thought you should be the first to hear it."

He pressed a few buttons on his laptop before the song began to play over the speakers.

Right away, you were left in awe over how incredibly thoughtful he is as the lyrics touched your heart.

"I'll protect you, it's okay to hurt. I'll embrace the wounds you shed. To me, you're already a sin. You're already a sin, yeah." He sang.

Knowing the meaning of the lyrics behind the song and knowing he wrote it for and about you made you wonder how on earth you'd ever gotten so lucky.

It's not easy being the only female in the group but you wouldn't change it for the world, even if you tend to get the most hate and rumors spread about you than the boys do.

The hate you went through a few weeks ago was by far some of the worst you've ever dealt with as people called you some of the worst and most hurtful names that you'd never even speak about your worst enemy.

You don't even know where it came from but you assume it's the same old thing - a glance at another idol, an innocent touch of your hand to another member such as Seungmin and just touching his shoulder when he makes a funny joke, an idol talking about you or looking at you, or just people despising how you're the only female in the group.

They always tell you that you don't fit well with the other members and that it should just be the eight of them.

They insult you, tell you that no one loves or cares about you, that the boys would be better off as just the eight of them, that you don't belong in Stray Kids, and even more vile things.

Maybe it has to do with the fact that you and Jisung feel something more than just friends, something so much stronger and different than you feel for the other members, and it's just a matter of time until you both snap and confess your feelings for each other.

And since you know him better than anyone else does, perhaps it's jealousy that you stand a better chance of being with him than anyone else in the world ever could.

Either way, the hate had been too much and had made you almost incapable of getting out of bed altogether.

JYP let you take a short break because your mental health had been so bad.

They put out a notice saying that everyone would be getting legal action taken upon them for the words they said to you and the boys even talked about it on a live stream they did after practice one night.

No one was going to mess with you and leave you feeling so badly about yourself and if anyone was going to make sure of that, it was Jisung.

You continued to listen to the beautiful song, stunned by how incredibly talented he is as not just a rapper but as a vocalist and a songwriter as well.

"Like a volcano. Love at a temperature that can melt when touched. Take me to you, way below to the end of the ground. It's okay if everything burns down. Even if I go back hundreds of times, my choice is always you. So I can melt into you. Hug my body even if it hurts, it's okay. Among the cold and harsh waves, I need your heat. You are my volcano."

You couldn't stop the tears that filled your eyes as you listened to his voice and every meaningful word.

"I'm the drought, you're rain. I'm paper, you're a poem. Your attention changes the brightness of my empty heart, you're light. Your arms, my home, my breath, my God. You grabbed me when I was falling, fly again. My falling days were sorrow, but after you appeared my lifted mouth corners won't fall down. Why, why, why? Don't wanna go back, back, back. To you, who shines the brightest among others. I'll give you everything. Every day, every day, every day I can feel you. Tomorrow, tomorrow, tomorrow, I can't wait. Wondering how your smile will brighten and make me laugh this time."

You turned to look at him and noticed his soft starry eyes.

He took your hand into his ever so gently as you continued to listen and a small smile tugged at his lips as each word melted your heart.

"I can't live without you you're the only one, even if I die. Even if I'm reborn over and over again, it's only you. I want to give only to you. My heart is burning. When I'm thinking of you, my mind is like a volcano."

Not long after, the song came to an end, and when it was over the tears were falling down your cheeks because you couldn't even try to hold them back any longer.

"Did you like it?" He asked.

You threw your arms around his neck and let a couple of tears fall against his skin.

"I loved it so much. That's the nicest thing anyone has ever done for me. It was so beautiful. Thank you, Jisung,"

You sniffled as you pulled away from him, letting him dry the tears falling from your eyes.

"I love and care about you more than anyone or anything in the world. You know that, right?" He asked softly.

"I know." You said. "You know I feel the same way about you."

He nodded before leaning in to kiss your cheek softly.

But when he did, you took the chance and turned your head so his lips would meet yours instead.

It took him by surprise but you both melted and he gently cupped your cheeks in his hands a few seconds later.

When you pulled away, he brushed his thumbs across your cheeks and you sent him a smile that made him feel weak.

No words were needed at that moment; it was evident what you were both feeling for each other and that, finally, you were more than just friends.

And you just hoped he knew how much you appreciated him and this beautiful song he made for you that you'd surely end up playing nonstop for a very long time.

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