Chapter 5

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Nightclawler in Gotham

Jason Todd

"So, you won't tell us your mysterious girlfriend? What's her name? Come on, tell me, Jay-bird

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"So, you won't tell us your mysterious girlfriend? What's her name? Come on, tell me, Jay-bird. I need to know," I nearly groan while driving my bike through the streets of Gotham and heading to Gotham Heights.

I wish Dick would stop asking me this nonsense about Jisoo. I hate it when he gets like this and he looks like those fangirls who are hysterically over their boy bands.

Not even Steph is like this, who is my sister from another father.

"Dick, I swear to God, I will tell Kory about incident." My voice went harsh and annoyed, enough for me to heard Dick grasp from COMM while I could feel Damian and Stephanie smirking from miles away. I know those two are the ultimate duo when mischief connects them.

"Jason!" He shrieks.

To be honest, he brought this to him. Not me and hell, not even Barbs would annoy the hell out of me. She might ask me in the mature way which I tell her since she won't tell anyone, especially Dick out of privacy.

She's the second babysitter after Alfred in this family.

"Oh, I want to hear this," Damian spoke in evil tone that made me shivers to my spine. Sometimes I forget Damian is also an Al-Ghul. Despite the Little Demon is the son of Bruce, he is also the son and grandson of Talia Al-Ghul and Ra's Al-Ghul, the Demon's Head and founder as well, leader of the League of Assassins. 

They raised that kid into a child soldier and an assassin like how that bastard Cain did on Cass and I love Cass who deserves better. But Talia who had somehow a better mindset than her own father, she let Damian to be raise and live with Bruce out of her wanting him to have a better life or something that related to her since I bet Ra's Al-Ghul never let Talia have her childhood.

At least she did something for him and yeah, she is somehow better parent than either Cain or Lady Shiva will ever be. Cass still deserve her own childhood and for her to be a kid again. 

Even though my parents weren't not the best parents, they still love me, especially my stepmom. I will always be thankful for her to raise me as her own son despite I wasn't.

I soon got to Gotham Heights where I saw the whole street into a huge mess with some buildings ruined, pieces of bricks over the road and hell, this was worse than I thought. 

Holy shit. I haven't seen such a mess since I Am Robin Movement. And I thought Crime Alley was a mess. 

I got off my bike and pick my gun with from my belt. I knew Bane was here with that another guy. I need to be prepared for the worse if that I get caught into fight of two monsters crashing down. Oh, that reminds me, I need to buy a new book for Waylon Jones. I hope he get out of Waller's prison. That woman scares the shit out of me. 

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