Chapter 35

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In my life, years passing by was never an issue. Instead, it was an honor to be of a high age, becoming more and more powerful so I could rule this land and protect my people. But with Nandini, as more years passed, I felt like a part of me was dying because she was human, bound to the finite span of mortal age.

This realization gnawed at me every day. While my strength and influence grew, the thought of losing her became unbearable. I watched her, marveling at her resilience and the way she adapted to our world, but I couldn't ignore the ticking clock of her mortality. It haunted me, a constant reminder of our different fates.

Tara, our daughter, was my solace. She was a bridge between our worlds, carrying my vampire abilities and Nandini's human spirit. Seeing her grow and thrive brought me immense joy, yet it also intensified my fear of the inevitable. I wanted to protect them both, to ensure they had everything they needed, but the thought of losing Nandini left me feeling powerless.

As the years passed, my focus shifted from ruling with an iron fist to finding a way to preserve our family. I explored ancient texts and sought the wisdom of elder vampires, searching for any means to extend Nandini's life, to keep her by my side for as long as possible. It became my obsession, my driving force.

Nandini sensed my unease, and though we had our differences, she never questioned my devotion. She accepted me for who I was, despite everything, and that acceptance was both a comfort and a burden. I wanted to be worthy of her forgiveness, to make amends for the past, and to show her that I could be the partner she deserved.

Every moment with her became precious. I cherished the sound of her laughter, the warmth of her touch, and the strength of her spirit. I wanted to create memories that would last a lifetime, even if our lifetimes were destined to be different lengths. And through it all, I held onto hope, hoping to find a way to bridge the gap between our worlds and give us the future we both deserved.

We married when Tara turned three, when she started to understand things. We thought Tara should witness and be a part of our marriage. She should see our happiest moment. The marriage was grand. The Vampire land was filled with talk about a vampire marrying a human. It wasn't a revolt; it was curiosity.

The ceremony was the most extravagant anyone had ever seen. The decorations were made with the most unique flowers that bloomed in our world, their colors vivid and their scents enchanting. The food was aromatic and delectable, a feast fit for royalty, with dishes that tantalized the senses of both vampires and humans alike. Nandini wore the most luxurious dress, a creation of intricate lace and silk that made her look like a queen.

As she walked down the aisle, I couldn't take my eyes off her. She was radiant, her smile lighting up the entire hall. Every detail of our wedding was perfect, from the shimmering candles to the music that echoed through the grand hall.

Our vows were heartfelt and raw, a testament to the trials we had overcome and the love that had blossomed despite everything. 

"I promise to love and protect you, Nandini, for all eternity," I whispered, my voice thick with emotion.

"And I promise to stand by your side, Manik, through all the days of our lives," she replied, tears glistening in her eyes.

The guests, both vampires and humans, watched in awe as we exchanged rings, symbolizing our union. There was no tension, only a sense of wonder and celebration. It was a moment that transcended our differences, showing that love could bridge even the widest of gaps.Tara stood by, her eyes wide with excitement, understanding the significance of this day. She clapped her tiny hands when we kissed, sealing our vows. It was the most memorable wedding that stayed in history, a symbol of unity and love that defied all odds.

As the night wore on, we danced under the starlit sky, surrounded by friends and family. For the first time in a long while, I felt a profound sense of peace and happiness. Our marriage was more than a ceremony; it was a new beginning, a chance to build a life together, filled with love and hope.

The days of uncertainty and regret seemed to fade away, replaced by the promise of a future where we could be a family, together. This was our moment, our story, and it was only the beginning.

To think 60 years have passed already. It feels like a dream. But the most heartbreaking moment is now—Nandini is on her deathbed.I

 expected more years for us to stay together, but her lifetime is over. She is 80 years old now.

Nandini lies in our bed, her once vibrant hair now silver and her face etched with the lines of a long, fulfilling life. Her breathing is shallow, each breath a reminder of the precious time slipping away. I sit beside her, holding her frail hand in mine, feeling the warmth slowly ebb away.Tara, now grown into a strong and beautiful woman, stands at the foot of the bed, tears streaming down her face. She inherited Nandini's strength and grace, qualities that will serve her well as she steps into her role as a leader among our people.

Nandini's eyes open slowly, her gaze soft but weak. Her presence is a reminder of the love we shared, a love that transformed my existence. Her eyes meet mine, and in that moment, we communicate more than words ever could. Her life, our life together, flashes before me—our wedding, Tara's birth, the countless moments of joy and sorrow.

I feel Tara's hand on my shoulder, offering a silent strength as we watch over Nandini. Her breath becomes more labored, each inhale and exhale a struggle. I can feel her slipping away, and the pain in my heart intensifies. She squeezes my hand gently, her strength fading, and I hold on, trying to provide comfort as she provided me for so many years.

The room is filled with an overwhelming silence, a heavy stillness that presses down on us. Her breaths become even fainter until, with a final, soft sigh, she is gone.

I am left holding her lifeless hand, the weight of her absence crushing me. For a moment, the world stands still, and I am lost in the depth of my grief.Tara wraps her arms around me, offering what comfort she can. I nod, though my heart feels shattered into a million pieces. I place a kiss on Nandini's forehead, a final farewell to the love of my life.

(Manik and Tara are standing before her grave) 

The first light of day brings a glimmer of hope. Nandini may be gone, but her love and strength live on in Tara and in the memories we created together. I will honor her by being the man she believed I could be and by cherishing the family she helped build.Our journey together has ended, but the legacy of our love will endure forever.

I will love you always and forever. 

I Love you. 

------------------------The End--------------------------

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