Chapter 33

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The sight of Nandini's lifeless body jerking back to life sent a shockwave of realization through me. I had made a grave mistake, one that I would regret for the rest of my days. The events of that night replayed in my mind like a relentless nightmare, each memory a painful reminder of the irreparable damage I had caused.

In the days that followed, Nandini's silence cut deeper than any words could. It was a silent condemnation of my actions, a stark reminder of the pain I had inflicted upon her. And yet, despite her distance, I longed to bridge the chasm that had formed between us, to beg for her forgiveness and make amends for my sins.

But no matter how hard I tried, I couldn't seem to break through her walls of silence. It was as if she had erected a fortress around herself, shutting me out completely. And each night, as I lay awake in bed, I was tormented by thoughts of what could have been, haunted by the memory of that fateful night.

I knew that I had to find a way to earn Nandini's forgiveness, to prove to her that I was capable of change. But how could I undo the damage I had caused? How could I make amends for a mistake that had cost us both so dearly?

As I searched for answers, a sense of determination welled up inside me. I knew that winning back Nandini's trust would be a long and arduous journey, but I was willing to do whatever it took to make things right. For her sake, and for the sake of our daughter, I would not rest until I had earned her forgiveness.

For the next few days, I found myself constantly reaching out to her, desperate to bridge the growing chasm between us. But no matter how hard I tried, Nandini remained resolutely silent, her eyes cold and distant whenever they met mine. It was as if one word from my mouth was enough to send her fleeing from my presence, her hatred for me palpable in the air.

Each rejection stung like a dagger to the heart, a painful reminder of the irreparable damage I had caused. I longed to hear her voice again, to see even a flicker of warmth in her eyes, but she remained stubbornly silent, her walls of anger towering higher with each passing day.

It was clear that Nandini hated me with every fiber of her being, and I couldn't blame her. I had betrayed her trust in the worst possible way, and now I was paying the price for my actions. But despite her coldness, I refused to give up hope. Deep down, I knew that there was still a chance for redemption, a chance to earn back her trust and repair the damage I had caused. And I vowed to do whatever it took to win her forgiveness, no matter how long it took or how hard the journey.

After weeks of relentless effort on my part, the day finally came when Nandini decided to break her silence and give me a chance. It had been a month of constant pestering, of pleading and begging for just one word from her lips.

And then, unexpectedly, she relented. Perhaps it was the exhaustion of maintaining her walls of silence, or maybe she saw something in my eyes that convinced her to give me another chance. Whatever the reason, I was grateful beyond words.

As she finally allowed me to speak to her, a wave of relief washed over me mingled with a deep sense of gratitude. It was a small step, but to me, it felt like a giant leap forward. And I vowed to cherish this opportunity, to prove to her that I was worthy of her forgiveness and trust.

Her words cut through the silence like a knife, sharp and cold, but to me, they were a symphony. 

"What is it?" she asked, her voice devoid of any warmth, her eyes still distant and guarded.

Yet, despite the chill in her tone, I couldn't help but feel a flicker of hope ignited within me. Her voice, directed at me, even in its icy indifference, was like a balm to my wounded soul. It meant she was willing to acknowledge my presence, even if only for a moment.

I swallowed the lump in my throat, gathering my courage before responding. "I... I just wanted to say... I'm sorry," I managed to choke out, my voice barely above a whisper.

Her expression remained unreadable, but there was a flicker of something in her eyes, a glimmer of emotion that gave me hope. Perhaps it was a surprise, or maybe even a hint of curiosity. But whatever it was, it was enough to keep me going.

"I know I've made mistakes, Nandini," I continued, my words coming out in a rush now that I had started. 

"And I can never undo the pain I've caused you. But I want you to know that I'm willing to do whatever it takes to make things right. Please... just give me a chance to prove myself to you."

I felt the weight of my words as I knelt before her, my ego and self-esteem crumbling in the face of her forgiveness. I reached out slowly, tentatively, touching both her legs and bringing them close to my heart.

"You can stomp all over me," I whispered, my voice barely above a breath. "I will never stop you. But just know that I am yours. You can hurt me, stab me, even kill me. Only you have that right. I am willing to endure anything if it means hearing the words of forgiveness from you. I want us to be a family, together."

Her eyes welled with tears, and for a moment, I dared to hope. Even in her anger, there was a glimmer of sympathy, a flicker of understanding. It was enough to sustain me, to give me the strength to keep fighting for her forgiveness, for our chance at redemption.

"Give me this one last chance," I pleaded, tears streaming down my cheeks.

She pulled her feet away from my chest and walked over to where the baby lay, cradled in her arms. With a heavy heart, she placed the baby into my trembling hands.

"Doing everything for a baby as a single mom is hard," she confessed, her voice choked with emotion.

Her words hit me like a sledgehammer. I realized then the weight of her burden, the enormity of her sacrifice. And yet, despite everything, she was giving me a chance.

"Show me, Manik," she said softly, her hand gently caressing the baby's head. "Show me how important we both are to you."

"You are forgiving me, right? That is what you are telling me right?" My tears...I couldn't stop them. 

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