He's Stressed and In A Bad Mood

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You sat on the couch looking at the television waiting for your boyfriend, Niall to return home. You were so bored and missed him terribly so you were anxious for him to come home. Suddenly the door opened and in walked a red faced, angry looking Niall but you didn't care you ran up to him and hugged him sweetly.

"Babe I missed you" you cooed.

He didn't respond he just pushed you aside gently and walked to the kitchen. He opened the fridge and began digging through. You followed him.

"What's wrong Ni?" He ignored you and continued searching through for something.

"Niall babe what's the matter?" Again he did as if you hadn't spoken. You walked towards him and made him look at you.

"What's wrong?" you asked concerned. He glared at you.

"Nothing can you just leave me alone" he grumbled and you frowned as he passed you and began searching through the drawer on the other side of you.

He mistakenly slammed the drawer on his finger and cut it slightly. He shouted and then a string of profanities left his mouth. You gasped and ran to him taking his injured hand but he pulled away from your grasp roughly.

"For fuck's sake Y/N leave me alone!" he yelled before storming up the stairs and into the bedroom. You stood for a while shocked that he'd use that tone with you however being the persistent person you were you followed him to the bedroom. He was looking frantically for the bandages.

"It's in the top drawer" you said. He went to the drawer grumpily and took one out, putting it on his finger.

"Are you ok now baby?" you asked going behind him and hugging him. He pulled away immediately.

"What really is your problem huh?" you snapped folding your arms and glaring at him.

"You" he stated.

"Me?! What did I do Niall?" you asked.

"Gosh why do you have to be fucking annoying all the time can't you just fuck off bitch!" he yelled before going into the bathroom and slamming the door.

As soon as he left the room you felt the tears fall from your eyes. You couldn't believe he said that to you, he even called you a bitch, that hurt. You slowly walked out to the living room and cuddled onto the couch, the tears falling rapidly now. After a while you heard his footsteps approaching you. You hid your face in the blanket you were snuggling up to.

"Babe" he whispered obviously calmed down. You didn't move.

"Babe" you felt the couch dip behind you, he sat down behind you. "Look at me please I'm sorry" you sniffled but didn't move.

"Baby I am so so so so so so sorry I didn't mean anything I said I was just a bit grumpy from work I had a very hard day" he said quickly.

He turned you to face him. Upon seeing your red face his face dropped.

"Were you... were you crying?" he asked. You sat up,

"Well obviously my boyfriend told me I as annoying and called me a bitch!" you yelled weakly before attempting to stand up but he pulled you into his chest and hugged you. You let the tears fall again as you clung to him. He rubbed your back soothingly.

"I'm so sorry princess I am so sorry I took out my stress on you" You looked up into his eyes and pouted. He leaned down and pecked your lips.

"Sorry baby I'll do anything to make it up I promise" he whispered against your lips. You smiled and hugged him again.

"I love you" he cooed.


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