Chapter 10 - Dark Moon

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September 4, 1992

Salem University Hospital

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Dark moon, away up high up in the sky

Oh, tell me why, oh, tell me why you've lost your splendor

Dark moon, what is the cause your light withdraws?

Is it because, is it because I've lost my love?

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

John opened Marlena's door, and heard Marcus say with a laugh, "And so, I poured salt in her coffee instead of sugar, and stirred it around really well, but Steve was the one who gave it to her. We ran. We ran so fast she couldn't catch us!"

Marlena's hands went to her cheeks with a soft gasp, "Oh, no! What happened?"

"We found out later that Mrs. Parsons thought we'd made a simple mistake, confusing sugar and salt. She didn't realize it was intentional," Marcus laughed. "But a couple of the other kids said she spit that coffee across the room."

"It must have been so hard," she whispered. "Growing up like that..."

Marcus thought about it for a moment. Being a kid straight out of foster care had been a rotten hand to be dealt for sure. He'd probably be paying school loans for the rest of his life. But, being a doctor was worth it, and his life experiences as a ward of the state gave him empathy that other doctors might lack. "It wasn't easy, but look at me now. Here I am, entertaining a patient with tales of my tomfoolery."

Feeling jealousy he had no right feeling, John cleared his throat, "Hey, Doc. You're looking better every day."

"Roman!" Her whole face lit up when she saw him. "Marcus was just keeping me company, but I've kept him far too long."

"I don't mind," Marcus told her gently. Standing up, he glanced at John with a look she couldn't decipher, and then told her, "Anytime you need a friend."

A subtle hint at the pain John knew was coming, for Marlena, and for him as well. He heard the door close, and he took up Marcus's vacated spot on the stool beside her bed. John lifted her hand up in his, whispering, "I missed you."

Her tummy fluttered, and rolled, filled with a thousand butterflies, as she stared into his eyes. "I missed you," she whispered. "Oh, I missed you so much!"

John laughed, and his eyes flashed with warmth, "I was just here a few hours ago."

"I know... but I like having you with me." She glanced to where John held her hand, but he reached out, tipping her face up to his.

"Talk to me, Doc," John whispered. She was holding back, and he knew something was bothering her. "What's going on in that pretty little head of yours?"

"Pretty little head?" she asked with a short laugh.

"Smart, intelligent, genius, big head?" he asked her with a cock of his eyebrow.

"That's better." Staring into his deep blue eyes for a moment, she whispered, "I'm not sure what's going on with me. Maybe it's losing our baby... maybe it's because I was attacked, and I can't remember any of it, but when you leave me... it feels like I'm losing you. It feels like you might never return, and I know that sounds ridiculous. You're my husband... and I know you love me, Roman. I see it every time I look into those beautiful eyes. I think I'm... I'm overreacting."

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