Chapter 2 - And So It Goes

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In every heart there is a room

A sanctuary safe and strong

To heal the wounds from lovers past

Until a new one comes along

I spoke to you in cautious tones

You answered me with no pretense

And still I feel I said too much

My silence is my self defense

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Dr. Marlena Evans Office, Salem University Hospital

Monday, May 11, 1992

Marlena laughed as she opened the door to her office, and a frazzled John Black came in. "You're late, Sailor."

"Sailor?" he asked, shrugging off his rain soaked coat. Glancing towards the window as the lightning flashed, and another boom of thunder sounded, he chuckled. "Oh, I get it. You're being a smart ass, aren't you Dr. Evans?"

"Me?" she asked innocently. "Never. Would you like some coffee? I just made a pot."

"Coffee would be great, Doc." John stared at the water logged bottom half of his jeans in frustration before looking at Marlena's couch.

"Sit down, John. The couch will survive," she said softly, handing him a mug of steaming coffee.

The vapor rolled off the surface of the liquid, and John leaned forward taking a deep breath. "You know, I thought April showers brought May flowers. Instead," he said nodding towards the window, "we get the deluge in May. Mother nature is truly confused."

Marlena kicked off her shoes, and tucked her feet under her, as she sat across from him with her own cup of coffee. John's therapy sessions were quickly turning into catch-up conversations. Outside of her office, their interactions were often filled with family, Roman, and Isabella. Things generally took an awkward turn. Inside her office, they were friends, open and laughing, able to share what they couldn't with their respective partners. Marlena knew it was a dangerous line to tread, and because of that, she'd stopped making appointments for John, and discharged him as a patient. She wouldn't allow herself to think about it too deeply, because when she did, she felt guilty. Roman continued to think John was seeing her for therapy, maybe Isabella did too.

"I don't know," Marlena said, glancing towards the window as another flash of lightning lit the sky. The rain pelted the glass, shimmering as it slid down the pane. "I think spring showers are wonderful. The smell in the air as the rain starts to fall against dry soil. The sound of a storm when you're tucked inside, safe and warm... it's nice." Marlena couldn't help but think about an afternoon very similar to this when she was married to John. A fire in the fireplace, and John's warm skin against hers. Her eyes blinked rapidly, and then she glanced back over at him with a soft smile. "Days like this are nice I think."

"Yeah," he said, taking a sip of his coffee. "Unless your pants are freezing, and stuck to your legs."

"Well, yes, I guess that would be uncomfortable," she chuckled. "You can leave if you need to. You know we aren't doing formal appointments anymore."

"I'm fine, Doc. I'm fine." He took a deep breath, knowing that he had to tell Marlena about his and Isabella's abrupt wedding plans, but unsure of how to go about it. They were friends, it shouldn't be difficult, and yet it was. Reaching into his back pocket, he pulled out a cream colored envelope with calligraphy across it.

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