Update (Cringe Warning)

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I know, I know I haven't updated in a long fucking time but I have a very good reason.

I've been feeling severely depressed and lonely for a long time and recently it reached a point when I thought about doing it a couple of times. I have friends but they're only with me until they need me. Otherwise, not even a single message. I can't tell them about my feelings because... Well, you know why. It won't have any effect.

I have a family and they're very supportive and nice but they have their own problems and I don't want to make it even worse by telling them. Even they're depressed and stressed about a lot of things.

I have no girlfriend (The bloodline ends with me) so I can't share my feelings with literally anyone else. I'm introverted, socially awkward and have severe social anxiety. I know I'm not special and literally more than half of the world's population is the same.

What I'm trying to say is, I'm a loser... And I don't want that. Currently, I'm over the depressed part but still feel lonely. That's why, I'm gonna try to get my life together and make myself worth it for my potential... Future... Partner... If that ever happens and also my family. Did that even make sense? I don't know but I'm gonna keep trying to get better at everything I do and that includes writing.

If you read all that shit, thank you for seeing how I have been feeling for the past few months. I understand if you don't care about some random guy on the internet but if you do, then I thank you with all my heart. For those who are waiting for new chapters or stories, I'll try to write more to keep my mind off things.

If you feel the same way, then congratulations! You now know for a fact that you're not alone.

Keep moving forward and keep smiling. I love all of you and thank you for all your support and motivation and apologies for this long ass boring rant. I just needed to get that off my chest.

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⏰ Last updated: May 15 ⏰

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