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It's been a few days since the party, and I haven't heard from Cole. Zack on the other hand apologized to me and we're cool now he explained he was super drunk and didn't know I liked him, but still  understands what he did was messed up. I decided I don't like him like that anymore. I means how could I? we agreed we were better off as friends. Ashley apologized too, I accepted but we're not letting her back in the friend group considering she was dead sober and knew I like him.

Allie and I decided to go the beach and enjoy the sunshine. I was wearing a black triangle bikini with red basketball shorts that said "Boston" with black stripes. We were sitting under the umbrella on our towels gossiping and decorating these straw cowgirl hats with beads we found from the craft store. "Mason is on his way here to come hangout with us" Allie says hyper focused on getting the bead to go on the string. "Okay cool, is he bringing anyone?" I ask. "I don't know, probably... ou maybe he'll show up with the love of your life" she replies excitedly. I rolled at my eyes at that comment. "Oh come on, now that Zack's out of the picture we need to find you a man, a REAL man" she says with a giggle. "Alright, alright let's see who he brings, till then I'm going to rest my eyes" I reply while putting my cowgirl hat over my eyes.

20 minutes go by and Allie jumps up and squeals "hi baby". I open my eyes to see my lucky bachelor and I see the one and only Cole Walter standing right next to mason. How could I forget they have been friends since they were kids, I should've known. "hey Sammy" he says while scanning my body. He was totally checking me out and wasn't even trying to hide it. "What's up Walter?" I respond before quickly glancing at Allie and noticing were both giving each other that same look. Cole looks at me and then Allie. "What's that look" mason says also noticing what was going on. "What look" Allie says with a little sarcasm. "That look that girls give each other when they are thinking the same thing" Cole blurts out. "I swear girls have telepathy or something, it's actually terrifying" mason says. We all laugh. After 5 minutes of chit chatting we decided to play volleyball. Allie and I on the same team of course were crushing it 5 - 1 . Mason served the ball over the net and I spiked it back over hitting Cole in the head. He falls on his butt and holds his head in pain, or so I thought. I run over to him "I'm so sorry Cole are you okay?" He stays silent for a second and then bolts up and throws me over his shoulder running towards the ocean. "You are such a faker!" I yell trying to hold my hat on my head so it wouldn't fly away. When we reach about waist deep he drops me into the water. When my head reached the surface I start to cough and breathe heavily "oh shit Sammy are you okay" he asks in a panicked tone. I suddenly stop coughing and jump on him submerging his whole body under the water. Once he reached the surface he splashed me with water and said "looks like I'm not the other faker". Allie and mason had come into the water too and we were just swimming and talking and having so much fun, but before we knew it the sun was going down, and it was getting cold.

When I got home I couldn't stop replaying the day in my head over and over on loop. This has been one of the most perfect days I've had since my parents died. I have amazing friends.

I wake up the next morning and get ready to go to my apprenticeship, and now that my car is back up and running I can drive myself. I arrive after 45 minutes and Eli tells me there's a new client coming in and he wants me to do the piece today. Which I'm fine with I'm just a little nervous considering this is the first time this guy is coming to the studio. I'm sitting in my chair printing out the stencil that Eli gave me. When I hear the new guy walk in I don't look up immediately since I was in the middle of setting up when I hear him speak "no way" the guy says. "Sam this is Evan, Evan this is sam your artist today" Eli says. I look up and my jaw drops. It was the bartender from the club last week, I almost forgot about him. Eli looks at me and then back at Evan confused "do y'all know each other?" Eli asks. "We've met" I respond quickly.

I applied the stencil to his leg and got to work. "You know I've been thinking about you since the night we hung out, when I was driving home I realized I never got your name, or any sort of contact information." I didn't really know how to respond to that I mean I liked hanging out with him but he wasn't top priority in my mind. "Yea as soon and I got in bed I realized that too, I honestly didn't think I would ever see you again" I replied. "Well I'm glad I got see you again, I had a lot of fun" Evan says shyly. After I finished up the tattoo he asked me to dinner which I accepted. We went to this nice place called "jack asters" we get along really well but he seems kind of old. We have a lot in common though and this time we remembered to exchange phone numbers, and we even made plans to hang out again. I think I might be starting to develop a crush on him.

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