First day

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It was my first at this new highschool, and man was I nervous. I got there at about 8:15, and classes started at 8:25. I decided to go early so I could meet up with my friends to make the whole thing less nerve wracking.

"Hey sam, are you excited to start at a new school?" Alex asks me as I walk up to the car full of Walter boys. "Yea, totally" I replied with sarcasm. It's not that I wasn't excited I mean I had a good handful of friends already I just wasn't sure what to expect. "Don't worry you'll do great" Danny adds onto the conversation. Suddenly a girl comes running up to hug Cole "hi baby" she says. I look at the other boys confused. "Good luck Sammy" Cole says as him and the girl walk into the school arm and arm. "Cole has a girlfriend?" I ask Danny. "You could call it that, but Cole doesn't really date it's the closest thing he's had to a girlfriend". I nod my head and walk into the school with them. Luckily my first class was with Allie so we met up at my locker and she led me to it.

Im sitting on my desk back turned to the door so I'm facing Allie while we talk about what we're going to do for homecoming when I notice her glance behind me and see her jaw drop. "Whatever you do, do not turn around" she says to me. "Why... what is it" I ask nervously.
"Hello, class if you could all take your seats I would like to introduce myself as I am a new teacher and think it would be nice for us all to get to know each other before I start our first lesson together" I hear a familiar voice say. In my head I knew the voice sounded familiar but it couldn't be... could it? I turn around and choke on my own breath, he looks up at me and he freezes like a deer caught in headlights. It was Evan.. the same Evan that felt every inch of my body, the same Evan that practically lived with me all summer, the same even I tattooed, the same Evan that broke my heart. It was him and now he's my teacher? What the actual fuck was happening right now?

After a second I sat down and became nauseous. This had to be a nightmare I had to be dreaming. After we all shared our names he handed out books. We were starting off with Romeo and Juliet.. how convenient. After what felt like an eternity the bell rang to dismiss us to second period. As I went to leave the class he tried to call on me "Samantha may I speak with you for a moment?" he asks. "I have nothing to say to you, but don't worry your little secret is safe with me Mr. Travkov" I say clearly annoyed and I storm out of the classroom. Thank goodness this is my senior year.

I make to my next class which thankfully was horticultural something I defiantly needed to improve in, and Danny was in this class so I knew I wasn't going to be alone. Next was lunch, and I was waiting for Allie in the line at the cafeteria when the one and only Cole Walter walked up to me. "What are you doing over here by yourself Sammy?" He asks all cheeky. "Just waiting for Allie" I say staring straight at the large like up. "Here let me help you out" he says "no it's okay I'll just wait" I reply quickly, but before I knew it he placed his hand on the small on my back and pushed me towards the front of the line. "Hey do you mind if I just squeeze in here?" He asks the girl in line "sure Cole" she responds all cheeky like she's in a trance. He starts putting food on my tray and then goes to pay for it. "It's okay I have money" I say quick trying to intercept him from paying. "It's okay Sammy, first days can be rough, come sit with me and my friends."  So I followed him to the table where that same girl from earlier was, but she did not look happy to see me. "Sammy this is Erin, olivia, Luke, amd andre. Guys this is Sammy" he tells me as he points out each person. They all kind of just look at me. "Guys make some room for sam" Cole demands. "I don't know it's already kind of crammed in here, maybe she should sit somewhere else" Erin, the girl from earlier says. "It's fine she can have my seat" Cole motions for me to sit beside Erin. What an awkward lunch.

I sat through another period and then finally left. Thank goodness I had a spare last period, I don't know how much more I could take.

I got into my car and turned and drove straight home when I got to my house I just sat in my car and starred into space. After 20 minutes I went inside and immediately poured myself a glass of wine, sat on the couch and turned on a movie. When suddenly I hear a knock on my door. I get up to open the door and there stands Zack. "Oh hey what's up?" I say kind of confused. "I didn't see you after school, and I just wanted to know how your first day was" he says as he takes off his shoes and follows me into the living sitting down on the couch next to him. I stay silent for a moment. Then break down into tears, he says nothing but pulls me into a hug. After a couple minutes of just holding me he says "you don't have to tell me, but I'm here for you whenever you need me". I end up telling him about Evan, our first period English teacher. Every detail from start to finish. He doesn't say a word, and I can tell he doesn't know what to say. Instead he takes the last sip of wine that's in my glass and the. Goes to my kitchen to grab another glass for himself and pours some wine for the two of us. "Wanna watch a movie, I'll order us some post mates and we can have a movie slash wine slash take out night, and try and forget about the shit day you've had today". I smile and say "I'd love that". We ended watching some R.L stine horror series, and we both agreed on some Chinese food. We cuddled the whole time, it felt so right, so safe... just like old times. I could tell he's really straightened up since summer he's back to the person I adored so much but I couldn't let myself slip, he broke my heart, then Evan broke it worse.. I just can't trust anyone.

I'm just a girl❤️‍🩹Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz