Careful, Careful, Careful

Start from the beginning

"Only your ass, Princess," he whispered in my ear.

I sent a hard smack to his shoulder before shooting him a sharp look. "And you're a freaking pervert."

"Me?" Miles gasped, pointing at himself.

"Yes, you," I yelped, crossing my arms over my chest.

I could have been making a bit of a scene, but he was just being gross.

"Gloria, what's wrong?" Jackson suddenly appeared from above the back of the seat.

"Miles is being disgusting," I pouted.

"Dude, leave her alone," Jackson told him, giving Miles a smack on the head

"What's with all the hitting?" Miles complained. He put his arms over his head to shield from any more of Jackson's and I's attacks.

"Just cool it, or I'm going to make you switch with me, so you'll be sitting next to the kid who doesn't shut up," Jackson warned.

"I heard that," Danny chimed in from behind us.

"Oh, God. Please don't do that to me," Miles protested.

"Guys, I'm not deaf." Danny popped his head up over my seat.

"I can sit next to Danny," I suggested, trying to get a bit of a rise out of Miles. Yes, it was stupid to tease him, but this was a bit of payback from his little inappropriate comment earlier. I don't exactly want to not sit next to Danny, but in case we do switch, I can usually have a pretty interesting conversation with him, once we get past all the sexual references and comments. Danny has a lot of cool stories that I have gotten to hear. Most of them were pretty hilarious as well. I found that Miles and Jackson appeared in some of these tales.

"No!" Miles burst out. All three of us stared at him for his sudden response. Jackson and Danny looked at him with confused faces. I could barely keep the tiny smirk off my face. "I mean," Miles sputtered, realizing his mistake, "Don't do that to Gloria. I'll behave."

I held back at chuckle at his lame excuse. Definitely got a rise out of him.

"Yeah, sure. Whatever, man," Danny said with obvious suspicion.

Jackson and Danny sat back down after giving the two of us one final questioning look.

As soon as they were back behind us and we were again hidden from view, Miles twisted around to give me a look.

"You think you're funny?" he snapped, seeing that I had my hand clamped over my mouth to contain the giggles.

"I think I'm pretty hilarious," I replied.

Miles was almost too easy now that I knew what buttons to push to make him a little crazy. His responses were not only hysterical but also adorable. After Danny's obvious suspicion about Miles's little outburst, I probably needed to be a little more careful of when I decide to mess with my roommate.

"I'll get you back," Miles threatened. I could practically see the wheels turning in his head.

"Whatever you say." With not much thought about his more or less, empty threat, I stretched my legs out across the seat to rest across Miles's lap.

"Do you really think now I'm just going to let you lay all over me?" he questioned, looking down at my legs that were comfortably set on him.

I poked my lip slightly out and gave him my best puppy eyes. "Are you really going to make me move?" I fluttered my eyelashes and sat up to get closer. I placed my right hand on his arm softly and rubbed circles in to his shirt with my thumb.

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