Actors AU: ACTION!

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Rowan who plays the character 'Rey' had finally finished up his makeup & arrived on the set to be met with Keeper who plays 'DH'.

Keeper: You finally made it! Let me guess you're still getting used to the whole 'fake eye' from last episode?

Rowan: Yep..

Rowan just lets out a sigh before Bubbly, the person who plays 'Elizabeth' , had walked over to join in the conversation. They started to talk since they weren't needed for a scene until Lu finished his solo scene.

They went inside the tent where all the screens were to watch how Lu was doing. Lu was trying to clean up the corruption with Isaac. For this scene Rey had been kidnapped by Prof. Glitch, while Lu, Isaac, & DH had to deal with Rey's corruption clone Yer!

After a while Rowan & Keeper's scene was up! Rowan took a deep breath before getting into place outside the safe zone's door. After the door opened Rowan, who now is in character, stumbled inside before slowly making their way to DH's house where Keeper was waiting to begin his part of the scene.

Keeper who was doing his part of the scene was in the kitchen of the house. He was making food for later when all of a sudden he heard a loud thud on the floor above him. Climbing up the rope he saw Rey on the floor laughing like a mad man!

DH: R-Rey!? Wow what happened?!

DH ran to Rey's side helping them up as they still laughed. Rey finally stopped laughing for a bit & looked up at DH.

Rey: hehehe Glitchy block...

DH knew the Glitch had done something so, DH then helped Rey into the bedroom telling them not to move so he could go grab Lucian.

Back to Lu & Isaac who was trying to figure out Yer when suddenly DH came over & said they had a bigger problem at his house! Lu & Isaac started to make their way over wondering what he meant by bigger problem!! Now in the back of the camera, Rune & Bubbly watched with Eso through the screens.

Bubbly: Damn didn't know Rowan could laugh like that!

Eso: Same but I guess it helps with the scene as Rey isn't from the modern age.

They all nodded in agreement as the scene continued when the episode finally was coming to its end.

Director: And CUT!! That's a rap for today guys!

Rowan: Oh finally...

Keeper: I know right? I thought I was gonna break character if I had to hear ya say 'bunny man' again!!

Everyone laughed besides Rowan who was embarrassed at the fact they said that out of nowhere.

Director: I mean it worked even though it wasn't in the script.

Bubbly: Damn Rowan I didn't know you could laugh like that!! Spooky!!

Rowan: To be honest neither did I!!

Lu: Anyways, who wants sushi?

Ro/Bubbly/Eso: ME!!

The group made their way off the set to go get lunch.

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