postponing for one more day

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Going down the list, type made it half way to be calling all his children to let them know there father and him needed just one more day, to then lift his head back has he was sitting to the edge of the bed, to have tharn then sink his teeth, to then grab the phone to place it in front of them to slowly take his blood to text binto that he needed to call the rest of the family to let them know they needed another day.
With his head lifted to the air, binto was straddling suki to the hospital bed, to turn his head has his phone went off, he tried to reach for it for Suki to then place his hands to his cheeks to look to him.
"You have no idea how painful this is for me. But I need my half breed."
Suki then pulled him down to place his lips roughly to his to go into a deep kiss.
Tharn then placed the phone to the side to place his fingers to types nipples to tease to go to his ear.
"Everything will be taken care of, mmm..... Please touch yourself."
Type couldn't help but to chuckle to then place both his hands to his cock to start to stroke to then make a face.
"Rather.... Have you.... Touch here...."
Tharn then turned his head to look down to leave types nipples to pry his hands from his dick to then place his hands to them for type to move his hands up to turn his head to lay his mouth on his vampire to go into a deep kiss.
Tharn then started to take them slowly down.
Moved about a bit, tharn was hovered over type, to still have his lips pressed to him, for there tongues to swirl about the other, to be going and deep into his anal cavity, type gripped tharns back, he loved when he went slow and deep.
Type then took his tongue out to make a face to then shake his head to place his canines into tharns neck to consume his blood well he lifted his head back to moan in bliss.
Type then took his teeth out to buck his body underneath tharns to then lift his head back to grip tharn even harder.
"Aaaaah fuck! Feels so good! Nnnn..... Can you....mmm.... Go just a little more......aaah.... Harder?"
Tharn then started to do that to place his mouth over types erection nipple to swirl his tongue about.
Type moved his hands from his lovers back to then move them up to place to either side of his  head to then grip and hard, he then planted his feet to move with him.
"Nnn...... Getting so.... Close!"
Tharn moved his head up to then run his bottom lip to types chest to watch over his half bed has he was close has well, he really loved to see type cum from him.
"Cum for me my half breed.....mmm..... Cum hard!"
Type moved up and quick, to knock tharn to his butt, for him to have his legs bent to either side, to place his hands to either side of his neck to go back into a very hard kiss to really ride his cock, tharn placed his hands to his back to thrust hard, deep and fast.
"Aaaah Fuck! Too..... Good! Toooo......aaaah I'm coming!" Type said between there kisses.
Type couldn't help but to cum in-between them, for tharn to then fill.
There kissing started to slow for tharn to continue to thrust, type then moved his mouth off to place his forehead to his to slowly open his eyes with a smile.
"God I love you."
Tharn darted his eyes over type.
"Me or my dick?"
Type then looked angrily at tharn who couldn't help but to laugh to then change there positions, he had type to his stomach, to have his hands to either side of his head, to have his hands to his wrists, to be right back inside, to be going in and out slow, to have his mouth to his back to be kissing.
"Joke my love."
Type rolled his eyes to relax a bit to look to the wall has he's vampire was not done making love to him yet.
"Not a funny one."
Tharn shrugged.
"Still not good with comedy. Love you though my half breed."
Type parted his lips to start to moan a bit heavier has tharn started to go all the way in and out.
"Mm... Still love you.....aaah...... Do you think.... Life would be easier..... If we just stayed connected this way?"
Tharn couldn't help but to laugh to keep penetrating and kissing.
"Well, when I suggested to hook you up to an IV when we were 16, you were very mad about that." Tharn laughed again.
Type then shrugged.
"People change, I.....mmm.... Just want you all the time. Wonder when that pull will.....aaaah.... Go down?"
Tharn stopped himself to then move his head up to eye over type.
"Are you wanting it to?"
Type opened his eyes to then roll them to peer his eyes back.
"No, but having sex like we always does..... Takes a lot of time."
Tharn couldn't help but to smile.
"Want me to go faster then done...."
"No!" Type interrupted.
Tharn smiled wider to move down to place his lips to types to then start to slowly thrust, he couldn't help it.
"You and I my love, are so similar in so many ways. "
Type moved his mouth. With tharns, to then move about to then wrap his legs and arms about tharn for them to continue to kiss in passion.
After, type laid to tharn to remember how his heart beat to have a content smile to his lips.
"I love you so much tharn."
Tharn then wrapped his arms about to hold his half breed even closer.
"You have no idea how much I love you."
Type laughed.
"Always a competition."
Tharn laughed to, to then place his hands to types chin to move it up for them to eye the other.
"Always, has you can not love me more then I love you."
Type rolled his eyes to move his mouth up.
"Want to bet?"
The two went into another hard kiss to then go into another heated round.

destined part 3Where stories live. Discover now