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Have gone back to the reunion, type was at a table with his children, there children and there children, he was sitting to have his head down to have his phone in front of him, the kept calling suki to get no answer, his phone then went away to turn to eye over tharn, seeing this there family started to move away, they knew when a fight was coming, type took in a deep breathe however to turn fully to have his hand out.
"I want my phone back."
Tharn shook his head to then place his phone to his back pocket.
"We need to let them figure it out. Sure suki and binto are together."
Type made a hard face to then look down, tharn eyed over his half breed to sit to the side of him.
"I love suki type, you know I will do whatever it is that I need for our children but...... You will always come first."
Type signed to then turn his head to look sullenly to tharn.
"This is where you and I will never ever see eye to eye. My children will always be first. You never will tharn."
Tharn made a very hard face.
"What does that mean?"
Type darted his eyes to then turn his head to eye his family and tharns walking about.
"I know I have said this so many times but...... Should we really be together? I can't believe what you did to suki. Our children have bitten me more time then I can count. After what you did, I just...... Don't know if I can look at you in the same light anymore. You hurt my baby."
Tharn flexed his jaw to feel that one emotion, pain.
"And he hurt mine."
Type looked back at tharn.
"Tharn.....I don't know if I can be with you anymore."
Tharns eyes widened.
"Type...... Don't act like this. Especially today."
"You hurt my child."
"Suki is mine has well! You lack giving all of our children discipline for years! I do it then you act like this. Your my half breed type, your not going anywhere. God, no wonder our children are like how they are with there mates."
"Excuse me?"
"You always are trying to run away even though you have been saying for decades you will never really leave, then I want to just chain you to a fucking bed. All our children want to do that to there mates who act just like you. How most of our children are they get it from you!"
Types lips parted to dart his eyes to then turn his head to eye about.
"So I'm the only bad parent here?"
"I'm not saying that type, and you know it. But fuck, stop trying to leave me all the time. I disciplined suki, for his own good. He is my child also, I would never ever really cause him any real harm, but he needed to be put in his place. Can you understand that!?" Tharn said between his teeth.
Type made a hard look to then turn his head to really look to tharn with a serious face.
"If you ever lay a finger on any of my babies again, I will cut off my finger and hand deliver the divorce papers. You need to be put in your place vampire!"
Tharn watched type go to shake his head, he then reached for his phone that started to go off to eye the caller id.
Why is binto calling me?
Tharn rolled his eyes to then answer to shake a bit, type moved about his family with smiles to think about what him and tharn said to the other to then eye down has he felt a firm grip on his arm.
"Tharn what are you...."
"Suki was hit by a car, non responsive, binto is with him, we need to go!"
Types eyes widened has his heart started to sink.
Driving and fast behind the EMT van, tears were going down bintos face.
He has to be okay! Nothing is going to happen to him! He's a xian! Have to be okay!
Binto made a hard face has he started to feel nauseous, however he pulled through, given he didn't want to lose the van, going to the hospital, binto stayed close, going into the emergency room, suki was hit and bad, the doctors had to reset a few things, they had to give him a lot of blood and they had to place suki into a coma has he was in a lot of pain.
Once things settled, Binto was to his side to be eyeing over him, to take in deep breathes, he then turned to eye over the doctor.
"You've stopped the medicine to have him under, why hasn't he woken up?"
"We really don't know, we are going to put him in an MRI for a brain scan. Remember how head did go through the window, no matter if vampire or not can still affect him.
Binto made a hard face to then look back at him has the doctor kept talking but he just couldn't hear him, seeing his distress, the doctor eyed over.
"Does he have any other family?"
"He is a xian."
The doctor then turned to leave. Binto took in a very deep breathe to then grab sukis hand to then place it under his shirt to his thin body to keep his eyes to him.
"You need to wake up! You did this! Take responsibility! Your making me sick!"
Binto started to breathe heavier for Suki to still not wake up.
Bintos chin started to quiver he then placed his hand to his heart that beat erratically, to place his forehead to his cheek..
"You need to wake up...... Don't do this..... Your a xian after all.... Please...."
More tears started to fall, given suki was just not waking.
Binto took in a very deep breathe.
"You did this to me, made me pregnant, made me a half breed.... Made me...... Fall in love with you. I.....I feel it now suki...... The pull...... You need to ooow!"
In a fast motion suki placed his canines into bintos neck to take a lot of blood, to then take them out to wrap his arms about to start to shake to close his eyes.
"Your..... Your mine.....binto..... Mine....."
Binto closed his eyes to wrap his arms about suki to make a face.
"Always was.......I guess....."
Coming in at the tail end, type and tharn looked to this to then eye the other, to then look back to go to there family.

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