That Night

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Police sirens is all that could be heard, the colours blue and red are all I could see. Everything's fuzzy, everything's blurry. People are screaming, yelling, but it's all so fuzzy. I feel like I'm drowning. I feel nothing but numbness. I know tears streaming down my face, my body shaking. I know people are shouting at me, someone's holding me, but I can't feel it, or hear it.

* * * 

Today was the last day of school, and everyone was partying tonight. We're graduating. We were done with high school, done with all the bullshit. We took our last exams in the morning, we graduate in a weeks time. Apparently, this year was the first year that everyone passed. I don't know how that happened, but we did, and we're done so that's all that matters. This party was the biggest party of the year. Everyone was invited, geeks, nerds, cheerleaders, chess club people, everyone. It didn't matter where on the social ladder they stood, they were invited.

Some guy on the soccer team, Alec, wanted to make a goodbye party to everyone in the city. This could probably be the last any of us see each other again, excluding graduation, so he decided it would be something nice. His parents said he could host the party and said they would rent a hotel room for the night. 

Luke and I went because it was fun. These events had some of the most fun moments of our lives. We would always have a great laugh and meet new people. In movies or shows they make it look like the teenagers go so overboard that no one can cope. It wasn't like that though. Sure, there was always one person who will take a girl or a guy to the room to do who knows what, but the rest of us down here usually dance or just stand in the corner. No one is fingering or slipping this thing into some other person. 

I drank, we laughed, we danced. The music was basically the only thing that could be heard throughout the entire house. It felt like you could almost feel the house moving from how loud the music was. I was shocked that no one complained, but then I remembered Alec's closest neighbour is about half a kilometre away from his house. 

Luke took my hand and took me outside the house where the music wasn't as loud, but the words of the song were still so clear. After dating him for so long I could still feel my stomach twisting and turning. Everyday with Luke felt like the best day of my life. There was never a time where I wished I wasn't with him. He made me feel safe, and happy. He was my home. 

"Ben just texted me and said my dad needs me home. I have to go to this thing where I would need to either take a finger print or show that my criminal record is clear so I could get a visa to travel. I asked Calum if he could take you home, is that fine?" He asked. I smiled and nodded.

"You didn't drink right?" I said. I wasn't completely drunk, but I wasn't completely sober either. I could understand what was happening around me, and I could walk in a straight-ish line without anyone's help.

"Didn't drink, I promise." I went on my toes and pecked his lips before waving bye and walking back into the house. I looked around for Calum, and asked a girl or two if they had seen him. They said he was in the back, so that's where I went. 

"Gordon!" he hollered. I cringed. 

"Thomas," I replied.

"Man, at least is isn't as bad as yours." He joked, I chuckled. Calum brought his drink to his mouth, taking a sip before offering me some. 

"Aren't you driving us home?" I raised a brow. He chuckled.

"And miss out on free drinks? Nah. Mali is. She's working the night shift and said she could take us home and long as I sneak some alcohol for her too." I laughed and took his bottle, taking a sip and keeping it in my hands.

Everything was nice and peaceful until the sound of a swerve and crash filled the neighborhood. Calum and I glanced at each other before running the house to get out to see what happened. It wasn't a usual thing for a car crash in this neighborhood. Everything about this places screamed rich and elegant.

It was clear the others had heard the crash seeing that some were already outside before we were. Worry and panic was written all over their faces.

Smoke and the sound of a car's alarm going off filled the neighbourhood. I didn't think a lot of it at first, but that was until I saw the car.

Of course I recognized the car; I would be a shite boyfriend if I didn't. I wanted to say that it wasn't his car so badly but even if I tried to convince myself that, it wouldn't work. Alec lived in the rich area, no one would owned a car as bad as Luke's. The cheapest car I've seen around here was most probably a Bently, and just that was out of most people, including myself's league.

I didn't know what came over me. I tried to run towards the car, only be held back by Calum. I tried to wiggle myself out of his grip but he was much stronger than I was. I was screaming, crying, kicking, but nothing was working. I gave up on trying after a minute. I was far too weak in comparison to Calum, and I felt emotionally drained. My vision slowly weakened, my breath slowly deepened. Everything felt blurry, my knees gave out. If it wasn't for Calum holding me up right now, I would have probably fallen. He let go of his tight grip and snaked his arms around my waist, pushing us to the ground softly. He seated me so I was on his lap, my arms made their way around his neck. I nuzzled my face in his chest and cried. I wanted to badly to scream more, punch something, anything, but I couldn't. 

- - - 

I'm so sorry I haven't updated this story in a thousand years. I just had like no motivation to write at all. This story has like 5-6 more chapters though, so :))

Also, Gio 666GRL is translating this story in Portuguese!

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