Two Days Before

416 40 16

I woke up next to a blonde who was staring back at me. His eyes were hardly open, but he was smiling. Luke decided to stay the night to be make sure I ate more than enough to be the weight I had to be. It hurt my stomach, but it made him happy knowing I was eating enough to do the sport I loved more.

"Do you want to go out before the game?" Luke asked. His voice was husky, the both of us just woke up. We were laying in bed. He was naked, the duvet just covering his dick, I was in a pair of sweat pants. He claimed the room was too hot but I didn't think that. I found it slightly cold, but I didn't say anything and I didn't mind seeing him naked, anyways. He was stretched out all over the bed, I wasn't as bad. 

I nodded, and arched my back, trying to stretch out. "Yeah," I said, yawning. It was eight in the morning. We both usually woke up around this time everyday to practice, even during the weekends.

He got out of bed, and got a pair of boxers from his suitcase, following with a clean shirt and a pair of jeans. Luke took his clothes in the bathroom. The sound of water hitting the shower floor filled the room. I smirked and decided to get out of bed and follow him. I opened the door quietly and shut it after myself. I pulled down my boxers and hopped around, trying to get them to slide down my legs. Luke was too busy with his shower and humming to realise I had walked in the washroom. I opened the door of the shower to be greeted by Luke's back. I looked down his body and mentally praised his ass. I wrap my arms around his waist and kissed his shoulder blade. He tensed slightly before realising it was just me. He turned around so he was facing me. 

"Hello," he said, smiling.

"Hi," I giggled.

Luke managed to always get this side of me out. He always made me so happy and was able to make me feel so many feelings. He always made me feel so perfect. 

My thoughts were interrupted by Luke's lips on mine. His lips were soft and gentle, but also wet and sloppy but that was probably because we were in the shower. I felt his tongue on my lip, asking for entrance but I closed my mouth tightly. His hands went from my back to my chest, inching downwards quickly. His thumb gently moved at the tip of my length, causing me to moan. He roughly put him mouth in my tongue, licking every inch of my mouth. Luke moved his hand from my tip and wrapped his hand around my length. He movements were slow and it frustrating me. 

Luke broke the kiss and placed his lips below my ear. He sucked and blew on the spot afterwards. My moans and the sound of the water were the only things that could be heard in the room. 

His movements on my dick sped up and he kept kissing down my body until he got to his knees. He placed kisses on my hips and right above my crotch. He gave the tip of my length kitten licks. I thrusted my hips, causing him to chuckle. I groaned at the lack of touching. 

Luke got up off his knees and gave a quick peck on my lips before opening the door of the shower and wrapping himself up with his towel. I groaned in annoyance, wishing he would just say he was joking and help me deal with my problem

* * *

Luke didn't end up helping me with my problem. I gave him dirty looks all morning when we went out and pouted at him. He just ignored me and avoided looking at me the whole time. His hands were interlocked with mine and I didn't have the heart to let go. I loved the way his hands fit perfectly with mine. We decided to go on a walk to see town a bit more and to get as far away from the hotel as possible today.

"I hope you know I really love you," Luke said. My cheeks heated slightly and I smiled. 

"Love you too, fuck face," I reply, jokingly. He turned and pouted, but I just laughed. I didn't mean to call him 'fuck face,' it kind of just slipped. We walked around enjoying the hot summer day. The city looked nice in the morning, but nothing could beat the way the light shined at night. The streets were busy and the sound of loud honking and cars screeching were the main things that could be here. I didn't mind because I was already so used to loud noises.

* * * 

I laughed as Luke twirled me. He game had just ended and I was allowed to play, even if I was about half a pound under the limit, the coach accepted it, after Luke and I's begging of course.

But the game ended and we beat the other team. Luke and I were in the locker rooms, everyone else had gone to party, we didn't. We stayed behind until everyone left.

"You did it," he said, smiling at me.

"Team did it," I answered.

"Oh, yeah because the team could win without their star player."

"They would too. But I wouldn't have been able to do it without you, so thank you, for everything." I said.

He captured my lips with his. His hands rested on my ass, and he pulled my in closer so there was no space between us. I wrapped my arms around his neck.

And let's just say things after that ended up very heated and neither of us were virgins.

* * * 

We had just finished doing our business in the locker rooms and had just taken a cab back home. It began to rain, and hard, which was the main reason we ran in the into my house. We looked like teenage lovers in the movies where nothing could ever go wrong. Hell, it felt like we were those couples everyone wished they were. He held my hand and lead me to the upstairs to his bedroom. His house was closer to the school than mine was and we didn't want to pay as much to get to his place. He opened his room door and walked straight to his drawers were he pulled out a pair of boxers and sweats for me.

"It's too hot," was his excuse once more, but like last night, I didn't mind.

Luke crawled in bed and I layed next to him, in his arms. He kissed my forehead, and cheek, and nose before kissing my lips. 

"Goodnight, baby," he whispered sweetly.

"Goodnight," I replied.

- - -

I casually take parts of my old books that are unpublished and put them in new books #noshame

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