Five Days Before

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I walked in my school building. The walls of the school were red; not fire red, but also not a light shade of red. It's the type of red that slightly goes to a brownish colour. Kind of like maroon, but slightly lighter. I walked in to be greeted by many people. Everyone in school knew who I was, and it was mainly because I was dating Luke and on the school's basketball and AFL team. Many people said it was like a twist; the most popular two in school are gay for each other rather than trying to get a new girl in bed every other week. I argued it was just a stereotype, but the rest of the team begged to differ since they all did that.

People smiled at me, and I smiled back. Some said hello, I nodded my head at them, giving them my best smile. I would reply but that would mean I would have to say 'hello' about a hundred times before I got to my locker.

It felt nice to be known by many people. I never felt alone. The people here liked to be seen with someone who was known as popular, so if Ashton, Calum or Luke decided to skip one day, I was still never alone. The three don't really bother with their marks as much as I do. They're all passing, but they're just satisfied with their passing marks, rather than trying to get much better.

I walked down the hall, alone. Luke texted in the morning saying he'll be there in time for our after school practice, which meant he was most likely going to come after break.

I dialled my lock; getting the combination to unlock it. It was the date that Luke officially asked me out. Many people got asked out in a normal way, but he asked me out when I was in the middle of giving him a blow job. We might have never had sex, but that didn't mean we didn't get intimate in other ways.

We were in his car, on a road with a blocked end, so no one usually came to it. It lead to no where, literally. Taking that road will only take you to an end because the construction workers never thought there would be a small cliff over there.

I smiled at the memory and tried to shake it off, but I couldn't. The thing about Luke is that he captivates all my thoughts. I always think of how his eyes shine brighter when he's smiling, or how the light reflects against his lip ring. I think about how sweet and soft his voice is when he speaks and how he never fails to make everyone laugh. There wasn't one thing that didn't make me fall for him. And maybe I was in a little bit too deep, but even if I tried to get myself to stop thinking about him, I couldn't.

* * *

I spent most the day with some girls who had come up to me. They were nice, and quite funny. They spoke about things that made no sense to me like how Muke was their OTP and asked other things that were very embarrassing like 'who tops in Muke?' Which lead to my question, "What is a Muke?"

Apparently asking what a Muke was is very funny because the girls burst into laughter. I felt very confused as to what was going on and my only thoughts were 'Am I being pranked?"

Once they finished their fit and saw my very confused facial expression, they explained how Muke was mine and Luke's ship name. I asked what a ship name was and they looked at me in disbelief.

Girls, I thought. They're so fucking weird.

* * *

It was now the end of the day and Luke has yet to show up. I was waiting by our lockers for him because I knew he wasn't going to be heading to the court alone. It was part of his 'reputation'. I wasn't allowed to ever miss school when he was there because he couldn't be seen alone. Or so he claims. There was more to him than his somewhat egotistical act.

One of the girls were waiting for Luke with me. The other two had to catch their bus, whereas Amber walked to school since she lived five minutes away. She was talking to me about that one time she went to see Black Sabbath live and how amazing they were. I almost went to the same concert but then I broke my leg. I gave my ticket to Calum because he wanted to go as bad as I did but the concert had sold out by the time we went to buy them.

I focused on how she spoke and how she pronounced every word she said. She wasn't from here, she was American. Her accent was weird. She didn't pronounce every letter and some words sounded like other words.

"Luke's here," she said smiling. I looked to my left to see my giant of a boyfriend. I smiled at him and he looked at me weirdly. I furrowed my eyebrows and he shook his head. "Well, I better get going then! It was nice talking to you, Michael. And if you need anything," she cut herself off. She took a pen out of her pocket and grabbed my arm, bringing it up. She wrote down her phone number with "Amber :—-) x" written underneath is. "Text or call me." And with that, she left.

I looked at my boyfriend as she walked away. He looked annoyed, and like he was ready to punch something.

"Are you okay?" I asked.

"Yup, totally fine," he said sarcastically. "It's not like I witnessed some girl flirting with my boyfriend then writing her number across his entire arm or anything."

I rolled my eyes and tried to hide the smile that was creeping on my face. He was jealous of a girl when he had my heart and mind. "Dude, I'm into dicks, remember?"

"Yeah, but she wasn't ugly either," he said flailing his arms.

I took a step towards him, wrapping my arms around his waist. I kissed his nose and smiled. "You and me, baby. Nobody, but you and me."

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