Chapter Nine

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The Saturday morning, I groaned as I stood from Mattheo's bed. Theo turned to me with a smirk. " Someone feeling a little sore, amore?". " As if you'd be alright if five guys fucked you the way you all fucked me last night.". " Hey, Theo and I were going to leave you alone and just do each other but watching you get fucked by our friends lit a fire in us and we needed to claim you back.".

" I'm not a dog that needs to be claimed idiot.". I spat, slowly making my way to the shower. I turned the hot water on and let it heat up. I looked at myself in the mirror and stared in complete shock. I had hickeys all over my neck and chest. " Fuck sake.". I sighed before throwing my hair into a bun and standing under the hot water, letting it pour over my sore muscles.

I changed into jeans and a corset top before doing my normal makeup and hair. Heading down to breakfast with Theo and Mattheo. Draco spat his juice on Enzo as I sat in front of them. " Damn that's a lot of hickeys.". " Yeah, no thanks to all of you." I smiled, " Why didn't you cover them up? If Snape sees he's going to kill you.". " They're trophies. Did you think it was easy having all five of you fucking me? I couldn't walk this morning.". Tom's nose flared as he stared at me. " What's wrong with you, Riddle?" Draco asked." Freya is showing off the marks we gave her. She's making me go feral.".

" Ah no, no more. You fucked her twice that's more than enough. Freya belongs to us.". Mattheo spoke up. " We had a deal.". " Deals off, you all had a chance with her. Now she belongs to just Theo and myself.". Tom glared at Mattheo. " I'll take her if I want, brother.". " Try it and see what happens.". " Hey, both of you stop. We aren't discussing this here where everyone can hear us alright.".

We all went to the black lake to relax when Tom and Mattheo started arguing. " I don't care what we agreed to before. Freya wants it to be just the three of us again, and so do we, so that's what we're doing!.". " I don't give a fuck what you think you're doing brother. Freya will be in my bed when I tell her, too.". " Over my dead body."  Theo spat " I can arrange that."  " Stop!" I yelled, jumping up and standing between the three boys. " You are all acting ridiculous. Tom if you want to fuck someone so bad then go find yourself a girl who will be a fuck buddy.".

" I don't want other girls, I want you."  Tom snarled at me. " Well, I'm not on the table. I want it to be just me, Matty, and Theo. We are a trouple and we want to be alone and spend time together without you wanting to fuck me. Okay? Whatever deal you all agreed to. It's over.". Tom smirked down at me, his hand taking a hard grip on the back of my neck as he pulled me forward. " I always get what I want doll". " Not this time, Tom.". I pulled myself out of his grip and sat on Mattheos' lap.

Tom growled in anger before apparating away. " Damn, I don't think I've ever seen him so pissed before.". Draco spoke up. " That's cause nobody has ever told him no before. It was a brave thing you did standing up to Tom. Love. Be careful for a few days until he's cooled down, okay?" ," I'll be fine, matty."  I kissed him gently.

As the day went on, Mattheo had the brilliant idea of hot boxing his dorm. " If Snape finds out, we'll all be murdered on the spot.". Pansy spoke up as we all sat in Theo and Mattheos dorm. Theo smirked as he took his wand out and started on a spell. " What's so funny?" I asked." Mattheo and I do this all the time, and we've never been caught.". " How?" ," I know a spell that keeps the smell away. I have snacks in my drawer, and we use our phones to listen to music while we smoke. We have no reason to leave our dorm once we start.".

Once Theo was done with the spell, he sat next to Mattheo as they both rolled a joint. " I have the window open to let the smoke out, but I swear if any of you idiots start freaking out, don't run out the dorm. Tell us so we can sort you out.". We all sat on the floor in a circle as Theo and Mattheo lit the joints and took the first drag out of them. The way they tilted their heads back and released the smoke looked so hot.

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⏰ Last updated: May 18 ⏰

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