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This is so Unaiza 💔😭

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This is so Unaiza 💔😭

He felt his soul had almost left his body when he let go of Unaiza and handed her over to fight this battle of life and death. This all happened because of him. He should have saved her. Her innocent face, bright smile, and gentle tone were making a memory in his mind. The way she was always so warm and sweet made her so special to spend the time with. And then how she filled his life with light after their marriage. She was a bright ray of sparkles and glows who never stopped adding a gleam to anyone's life while all he gave her was darkness, scars, and misery.

Her weak and limp body covered with bruises and burn marks never left his vision. Whenever he recalled it, it made his anger rise for Inaya on a dangerous level and he felt a dire need to murder her. She was a horrible woman who hurt Unaiza because she became the wife of his ex-boyfriend.

It had been a while since the doctors took Unaiza inside. Till now there has been no update from them about her condition. Many times her state made him resentful and he wanted to make Inaya go through the same pain as she did with Unaiza but he stopped the other moment. This time his Unaiza needed him and he couldn't leave her alone. Haider said that he would take care of Inaya and he believed his brother that he wouldn't give her an easy death. Though he would like to see her suffering by his own eyes someday.

After a while, the senior doctor came out of the OT.

"Who is with this patient?" She asked.

"I am Unaiza's husband. How is she, doctor?" He inquired, impatiently.

The doctor eyed him with narrowed eyes. "She is your wife, Mr. Huzaifa?" She pressed her lips finding his non-chalent behavior even though she recognized him. He must be very anxious now. "This is a police case. Your wife was tortured so badly. She was beaten and has many wounds all over her body. And then she was burnt by something that seemed like a match or lighter. She has many burnt scars on her arms and chest. She lost consciousness because she was hit by something blunt over her head. She lost so much already. We are looking into her condition more but right now her state isn't very good. Please pray for her."

"Do whatever you want to do, doctor but save her. Save her at any cost. Start her treatment and I'll take care of the rest. I don't want anyone to make a show out of it. We'll handle everything on our own," he murmured sternly.

"Of course. We'll try our best to save her. But the life and death are in Allah's control. All we can do is to try and pray. I'll update you later on," she informed him before going inside the OT again.

Huzaifa ran his hands through his hair in frustration. He got a strong urge that there was a way things could have been undone now. But there was no way out of it.


Haider made a fist of his fingers as he saw one of the female constables yanking Inaya inside his room. She was scrambling in her hold like a fish without water. There were so many bruises all over her body because of the police's torture to bring out the truth out of her mouth. The fact that they matched with what torment she had inflicted on Unaiza made him satisfied to a different level.

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