You're a liar // Special Ch 13.5

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I think i got less motivated,I dont know but im doing this till it gets to 20,Ill get a break for about a month? I think that'll Suffice

Special Chapters are always short compared to the main Chapters,Because,Special as it is,Too much might reveal a little bit too much on the future story.

Im sorry if i got your hopes up for a new chapter,but im losing track on which is my story gonna go next after it all ends..

But anyway,Here you go.

(This is a Dimension that will be added later to the story,Though some may not appear in the later point of the story.)

(This a dimension where Eclipse is a Daycare Attendant,Originally. As if Moon and Sun didn't Exist before.)

DA. Eclipse:"Hi,hi! Welcome to the Playcare! What do you misters want to ask? Hmm??"

?:"Your name."

DA. Eclipse:"My name? Uh.. was it.. Like called Ecli.. or something.. eh whatever! Just call me E!"

?:"He seemed to forget.."

DA. Eclipse:"Did you say Something? I didn't heard it clearly!"

?:"It was nothing,Dont mind it"

DA. Eclipse:"Oh Alright!..But why did you ask me that? Come to think of it.. You look like me? With the rays,The moon and your clothes,And everything! Wait.. Are yo uthe New Employees that my Creator is talking about!?"

?:"What do you mean by that? And no we arent."

DA. Eclipse:"Uh.. Nevermind that! So,Do you have Children to pick up or Drop off to let us-"

?:"Stop pretending. You're irritating."

DA. Eclipse:"What? What do you mean by that? Did i do something wrong,Sir?"

?:"Your such a Liar."

𝚄𝚗𝚎𝚡𝚙𝚎𝚌𝚝𝚎𝚍 𝙰𝚄..?【𝚂𝚊𝙼𝚜】Where stories live. Discover now