Discussions and Doubts//ch 6

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HEY YALL,Tbh,I think ill only make Two Chapters.. But ill try making 3 🥲
But anyway,The Font reminders!
*Sound effects*



Sun:"So. Moon,What are we gonna do with him being alive in,ANOTHER Dimension?!"

Moon:"..Well i have the Time Machine? Maybe we can find Eclipse there."

Sun:"Okay,But how are we going to find him!? There are countless Dimensions!??!!"

Moon:"With the Computer of course."

(Sun sighs of relief,though still skeptical how a Arcade machine can tell it the location)

Moon:"Er.. Dont worry i guess,Though the Time machine can make you have.. A very hurting Headache?.."

Sun:"What do you mean by that?"

Moon:"Well,you kinda have a feeling you want to puke,due to the sudden feeling of your organs getting twisted.."

Sun:"Oh. But we Can't leave the daycare so suddenly! We have to ask for perm-"

Moon:"Shush Sun,Basically we did crimes before and left the dam- uh,The daycare for like weeks."

Sun:"..Fair But We have to do this later! The kids need us!"


(In Sun's Workshop)

(As Usual,Eclipse would try and help Solaris Wounds,Materials are scarce,Eclipse cannot procede if there is no materials,Solaris would get to have even more wounds if he dares to go outside too.)

(Here we have an Eclipse comforting a sobbing Solaris,It seems that his "Brother" went a bit too far that his two of his got damaged even further)

Eclipse:"Hey Hey! Are you alright? It seems that your so called friend or brother whatever went a bit too far this time.."

(Solaris finally stopped,he wants to leave this place,he wants to be free,but..)

(He Cannot He is useless,What can he do? Annoy people? He can't do anything good at all.)

Eclipse:"At least,Rest for a bit.."

(Solaris proceded to turn off,Eclipse,was worried?.. well he is used to that feeling,Though why is he helping this small animatronic in the first place?)

(Is it because it reminded of hin of someone? Its all blurry.. He cannot remember)

(But hey atleast,hes alive,and he hopes he wont get found somehow.. )

Eclipse:'They have that stupid Time machine.. They must've been tryibg to find me in these countless dimensions..' "heh.."

(He chuckled as he thinks they're suffering of finding him.. Oh boy,Do he think hes wrong? Lol-)

((Hey stop breaking the 4th wall 😤 You are also giving them hints of spoilers!))

(Oh sorry-)

(At Moons Lab)

(As The Superstar Daycare closes,They Proceded as They go To Moon's Lab, and approached the Time Machine.. With Computer and Lunar as well)


(Both Sun and Lunar said Yes,Though Computer replied in Silence)

Lunar:"Computer you are such a kill joy!"

Computer:" 'cOMpuTer yOu aR sUCh a kILLjOy' Shut up i am not in the mood."


Sun:"Come on guys,Time isn't waiting you know?"

(As Lunar And Computer Stopped Bickering By Sun cutting them off,They finally got inside the Time Machine)

What Dimension will they go?
Uh.. This chapter might be shorter,Well i was like not feelin gwell and was kinda burnt out- well theres just alot going on right now.. But The picture will be uploaded soon! Just wait alright-

Well anyway,Buh bye!

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