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Macau walked into the mansion and directly to the kitchen.He ordered the maids to make him some food and bring it to his bedroom.

He entered his bedroom and flopped on the bed,with his headphones on. He couldn't remember the last time he saw his room clean.

As he rolled over,he felt something hard underneath the sheets.He took it out and found it was Chay's diary. 'He must have forgotten when he slept in my room.I'll give him tomorrow'

Suddenly, an idea popped in his mind,'I'm curious about what's inside though.If I just take a peek,he won't know,will he?' He opened it and read it

His face suddenly showed an expression of shock and realisation. "He likes Kim too!Ha,I knew it.The way he looks at Kim is the same as how he looks at Vegas..When was he gonna tell me this?"

"Here,your diary. You left it in my room the other day," Cau handed over the diary.

Chay looked at him with gratitude and somehow as if he had something to say.

"Yes,I read it.If that's what you gonna ask.I know you like Kim too" Cau smiled mischievously.

"No,no.Don't even think about it,"Chay said,pointing at Cau.

Cau giggled,"I won't. But,I  think you should tell Vegas yourself.It's a good idea"

Chay fiddled with his fingers. How would Vegas react?But it would be worse if he heard it from someone else.

"Do you think it's a good idea?"



"I don't know, I just think so.You know,my brother may look tough,but he might understand,,maybe"


"Let's go to the Theerapanyakul mansion today"


"We're here" Big announced as he stopped the car.

Chay and Cau jumped out and Big followed them.
Porsche received them,hugging them."I've missed you guys. Did Vegas do anything to you,Chay?Tell me,I'll kill him."

"He didn't do anything Hia. So,don't worry"

"How about we party tonight?At the club? I'll invite everyone"Porsche proposed.

Cau looked excited,"Great idea!I love to party. Chay,let's go prepare the clothes"


They both ran upstairs.

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⏰ Last updated: May 15 ⏰

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