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"Heyyy brother in law!" Macau shouted, putting his arm around Porchay.

Porchay quickly put away his phone and turned, laughing nervously.

"What are you hiding?"

"N-nothing. Nothing at all haha"

"Chaaayy.. "

"It's just my phone "

"Why are you hiding it?What is in the phone?Lemme see?"

"NO!No,you can't. I was just..."

"Or were you watching...OMG Chaaayy you're so pervert!"

Chay smiled awkwardly, "H-how did you know?"

"Of course,that's the only thing that can make you hide your phone unless..."

"Unless what?"

"YOU ARE HIDING SOMETHING ELSE!" Macau snatched Chay's phone away.

"No!Give it back!"

"Cau?Give it back " Vegas

Macau reluctantly gave it back,"You always destroy my fun moments hia"

"Get used to it. Chay baby, come, let's go"

Macau scoffed, "Love stinks, ew!"

"Khun Vegas?" Chay whispered.

"It's just Vegas baby"

"What's wrong?You look so pale"

"Do I?I'm fine, just a little tired. Come on, let's go to my house. Today, you'll sleep in my house"

Chay blushed and held onto Vegas' arm following him to his car.

Too short. I know.And I'm sorry. But the next part is gonna be...spicyyy
Love you guys

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