Chapter 19)Realisations

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As Shubman woke up the next day, he found Meera sleeping beside her like a cute baby, he couldn't stop admiring her but his heart was filled with guilt as he remembered what all he did to her yesterday.

Wtf i did yesterday that isn't me i can't do this to her. She suffered a lot because of me. But what can i do i just can't see her with any other guy specially that jerk Uday who broke her heart. Oh god this is all because of me i shouldn't have done this to our friendship. I was the one who brought up this fwb idea. I am an idiot. I can't see the girl i love the most suffering like this. Yes i love her. I am mad for her. But at this moment i am the only one who is hurting her. So i guess i should stay away from her.
He caressed her hair softly and muttered a sorry. As he got up from the bed he got an idea to write a letter and leave it beside her. He wrote down the letter and left for his practice.

As Meera woke up from her sleep, her body was aching with pain. She saw beside her but found Shubman missing. She saw a note left beside her.
She opened the note and starts reading it.

Hey Meera,
Shubman here. I am writing this note just to apologise u for what i did with u yesterday. U r suffering a lot because of me. I am extremely sorry for what i did. Now it's up to u if u want to forgive me or not. Even though i know i don't deserve an apology. I know i could say all these things to u in person as well but i don't have the strength to face u. I am really very sorry to do all that to u. But trust me Meera don't think of me as a bad guy. It's just that i can't see u with any other guy and specially that jerk Uday who broke your heart. I know i am an idiot who told u to get in all that fwb thing. Our friendship is ruined just because of me. But trust me Meera in all this time i didn't looked at u in a bad way i only had respect and love in my eyes for u. But i know i am the one who is hurting u the most at this moment. I guess we should stop seeing each other anymore. I know it's hard but i guess it's the best way for both of us to live our lives without any chaos. At the end i just want to say one thing I LOVE YOU MEERA and i always will. I don't know if u feel the same about me or not but it doesn't matter now i have ruined everything. I hope u will find someone who will love u more than me.
She started to cry after reading his note. He doesn't know that she has fallen for him as well. She can't stay without him.
Shubman u shouldn't have done this. I can't stay without you. U don't know how much u mean to me. It's hard for me to not see u anymore because i have fallen in love with u as well. I can't fall for anyone else when u r there. Staying away from u won't solve any problems in fact it will create more problems. U can never hurt me. Nothing is ruined in fact things can get better. Shubman i can't stay without u. I love u.
After wiping off her tears she quickly got up and wore her dress. She rushed out of his house and went straight to the ground where his practice sessions were going on.
She knew she needed to confront him at any cost. She needed to tell him how much he mean to her and how much she loves him.
She kept on looking for him but he was no where to find. As Meera was standing she heard a voice from behind and she turns around to see the person behind her.
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