Chapter 4)Contract

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Meera was driving back home after meeting Shubman! Her mind was still stuck on the fact that how Shubman even suggested this idea! It will affect their friendship, so how could she get into a fwb pact with him! But she still has to read that contract before making any decision! Maybe she change her mind after reading the contract!
As she reached home she changed into her casuals and settled on the couch to read that contract! After taking a deep breath she started going through all the rules/points!

I Shubman Gill and I, Meera Randhawa wish to express our intent to enter a, Friends with Benefits Agreement.

RULES regarding the FWB pact are as follows:-
1)Both the participants are not allowed to develop any sort of romantic feelings or emotions for each other!

2)The participants are not allowed to keep sexual contact with any other person apart from each other!

3)Keep things strictly platonic outside the bedroom!

4)Keep your sexual health in check!

5)Always use protections while having sex!

6)The male participant will play the dominant position! (While reading this rule Meera got a bit confused 🤨)

7)Using of sex toys are allowed!

8)Last and the most important rule:-You are not allowed to discuss about this fwb pact with anyone, this has to remain a secret!

I understand and agree to these terms and conditions!

Male Participant Signature  SHUBMAN GILL

Female participant Signature ____________
As Meera finally finished reading the contract her mind rushed with tons of doubts and questions! She was confused regarding this does she need to enter this contract or not! To clear the doubts she decided to make pros and cons list of getting into this contract!

PROS:-(i)She can fulfill her physical needs without getting into a romantic relationship with anyone as she doesn't have any romantic feelings for Shubman!

(ii)It will be less complicated because it doesn't involve any sort of life long commitment it's all just fun!

(iii)There won't be any judgement because she knows Shubman from childhood so she was pretty sure he will accept her for the way she is!

CONS:-(i) What if she falls in love with him?

This one thing was really freaking her out that what if things got serious what if she starts liking Shubman bcoz for Shubman it's just a pact!

But she looked at the brighter side that this pact has more pros than cons!
After taking a deep breath she made her mind and decided to call Shubman!
On the phone call📞

Meera:-Hey Shubman!

Shubman:-Hey Meera!

Meera:-I read the contract and i have made my mind!

Shubman:-So what u have decided?

Meera:-I am in! I will get into this pact!

Shubman:-Are u sure na? Because after signing the contract u can't back off!

Meera:-I don't make decisions lightly Shubman!

Shubman:-Good! I am glad that your doubts are finally cleared! And listen if u ever feel uncomfortable with me at any moment pls tell communication is the key! I don't want you to feel pressurised! After all i am your best friend first!

Meera:-Thanks Shubman!☺️

Shubman:-So how about dinner tomorrow at my place?

Meera:-Yeah dinner sounds great and then maybe we...

Shubman:-Maybe 🌚

Meera:-Maybe we can discuss about this contract even more clearly! What did u think?🤨

Shubman:-Nothing nothing🌚💀

Meera:-Ohk so i will meet u tomorrow! GN sweet dreams!💤

Shubman:-GN Meera! TC 😴
Before going to sleep she signed the contract!
She was excited as well as nervous about her meeting with Shubman tomorrow! But she made her mind that she needs to ignore this nervousness! Because her nervousness can cause her in trouble
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