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taylor swift


MY LACK of putting my foot down was someday going to put in a position I couldn't get myself out of. I tried to pull every card in the books, but Trevor and Cole weren't falling for my stunts.

I felt my chest hurt as I stared at myself in the mirror, the long red dress clad to my tan skin, running a hand through the bottom of the messy curls attached to my head, and spraying a ton of perfume until I coughed up my lungs, I still hadn't felt ready.

Slipping my heels onto my feet, somehow keeping my balance with clutching my purse, I shut my apartment door, hurrying to catch the open elevator.

I needed to be pinched, I needed to wake up from this and be seventeen again. But in this moment, I felt like seventeen year old me again getting picked up by him for the first time.

"There she is!" I could hear the echo of Trevor's voice bouncing off the walls in the parking garage. His arm was littered with tattoos, the white button up her wore pulled up until his elbow.

"It's so good to see you." I hummed, feeling him squeeze me tighter.

Cole wrapped around the front of the car, he still hadn't changed. From his hairstyle being slightly longer, his build still smaller, and the toothy grin he always adorned, he was still Cole.

"Ay!" Cole hugged me, pressing a soft peck to the side of my head as he extended the door open for me, waiting till I climbed inside to jump into the passenger seat.

I knew with Trevor driving we'd be there in no time. My mother used to say that Trevor drove like he had nine lives, that hadn't changed, either.

I grasped onto numerous parts of the car during our drive, unsure if Trevor had even checked the speed limit once. Our small talk continued throughout the ten minutes ride, mainly consisting of Trevor and Cole bickering, per usual.

Even with one living in California and the other living in Canada, they still seemed as close as ever. Especially since they played on separate teams.

"You ready?" Cole glanced over his shoulder at me, sensing the hesitation that seemed to follow me.

I shook my head with a small huff as we exited the car, my palms going to smooth out my dress as I stared up at the venue.

"I'm actually feeling quite ill." I pressed a hand to my forehead, fanning myself with the other. "I think I better go back home."

"Stop." Trevor stood before me, taking my wrists into his hands as he forced me to stop jittering. "You're going to be fine, okay? Just go in there and be a bad bitch."

Cole hummed, pressing his hand against my lower back as the two of them guided me closer to the entrance.

"If shit hits the fan, I'm blaming you two." I warned, looking between them both as Trevor held the heavy door open for us.

"Sure." Cole snickered.

The mixture of classical music playing, chatter among groups, and the constant sound of wine glasses clinking together, I was ready to run.

"No way." An all too familiar voice caught my attention as like the three musketeers, we all turned around.

Cam York had his lips parted, light eyes seeming to examined us, specifically me. The boys;now men, had gotten to see each other on the ice throughout the past two years. Me on the other hand;not at all.

"I can't believe you showed." Cam raised his brows towards me, chuckling lightly before playfully knocking my shoulder.

"Surprise." I lifted my hands slightly, trying to downplay how tense I truly had been. I kept my eyes locked on the ginger boy, too fearful to let my gaze wander.

It felt like I had twenty bricks lying on-top of my chest. Just knowing that I had been in the same room as Jack was equivalent to drowning.

"Ah!" Another joined our, now, small forming group.

In an odd way, I had felt more relaxed with his presence now joining us.

"Matt Boldy." I parted my lips in fake shock, wrapping our arms around one another. I could see the shocked glance Cole shot Trevor from my peripheral.

"So we meet again." He clicked his tongue, shoving his hands into his pockets. "We made up, Coley."

Cole chuckled awkwardly, his cheeks flushing a light red as he had gotten caught. Cole had always been nosy.

"Beechers over there." Cam cleared his throat, directing the two boys I had come with away, leaving Matt and I.

"Long time no see, huh?" I chuckled, folding my hands over my stomach as I fiddled with the rings adorning them.

Matt scrunched his nose toward me, rocking on his heels. "Somewhat like that, yeah? So, are you having a good night?"

"I just got here." I sucked my teeth, tasting the gloss I had heavily applied. "But so far, so good. You know?"

Matt smirked, pulling his bottom lip between his teeth. "Right. I guess that means you haven't seen him yet?"

I shook my head, keeping my gaze focused on the blonde. "Nope. I really plan to keep it that way."

"I think he'll find you eventually." Matt didn't attempt to sugarcoat it, a small snort following. "Do you want something to drink? Seems like you need to calm down."

I nodded quickly, feeling my hands grow clammy. "Yeah, please. That would be really sweet. Preferably alcoholic."

"Right away, ma'am." Matt bowed his head before disappearing off towards the bar, leaving me to stand alone.

I fiddled with my cellphone, looking down at the dim screen, texting Trevor to find his location. But when a sudden shoulder flies into me, it nearly takes me down with it.

My reaction time was as slow as a tortoise as I finally came to my senses as realized what had happened.

I parted my lips with anger, getting ready to screech at the person who nearly shattered my phone. But when I looked up, my throat felt like a desert.

The sound of my heartbeat was accelerant, the ringing in my ears was enough to make my eyes water. I stared at him blankly, running my gaze over his face.

"SJ." The nickname slipped past his lips as he seemed just as dull as I. And suddenly, we were right back to square one.


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