Chapter 5 - Technically Cousins?

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Hermione appeared in Harry's living room and stepped out into the familiar space. Harry had decided to take up residence in his parents old home, the one he was loved in, and so he moved into Godric's Hollow and brought it back to it's original state.

"Harry! Are you home?" Hermione called out, looking around for the familiar raven-haired boy. She saw him peek his head out from what she knew was the kitchen.

"Hey 'Mione, sorry I'm just trying my hand at home-made pasta. I'm making Fettucine Alfredo for dinner!" Harry explained with a huge grin. He may not have been the best at Potions at Hogwarts, but during his time being the Dursley's nephew *cough* servant *cough* he found that he loved cooking and was a natural chef!

"Of course you are Harry, do you have enough for a guest? I've just come from the Ministry and I've got some news to share" Hermione asked with a pleading smile.

"Of course, you're always invited. Come on through," Harry invited, gesturing for her to follow, "and what could have happened at the Ministry? You already knew everything you needed to."

Hermione took a seat at the island in the kitchen, climbing onto the stool and leaning forward with her elbows on the counter, chin resting on one of her hands. "Yeah, I thought I knew everything too... apparently not".

Harry paused in what he was doing and looked at her quizzically. "What do you mean?"

"Well it told me what I already knew... Hermione Jean Granger, born 19th of September 1979..." she trailed off.

"Yeah, aannnddd" Harry followed, encouraging her to keep going.

"Blood Status: Pureblood." Hermione watched him eagerly for his reaction and he did not disappoint.

Harry's jaw dropped and his green eyes looked like they were about to pop out of his head. "I'm sorry, WHAT?"

"Yes... and that's not even the wildest part" Hermione responded.

"I'm sorry, what could be wilder than that? Don't tell me you're related to Pansy Parkinson or something" Harry joked with a guffaw.

"No but close enough.... It said my parents are Regulus Black and Catherine Nott."

"Black?! Regulus Black? As in Sirius' brother?"

"The one and only."

"I didn't even know Regulus had a wife, let alone kids... wait- so you are a Pureblood, Regulus Black's daughter and..." he trailed off for a moment thinking, "Theodore Nott's cousin?"

"Oh bollocks I hadn't even thought of that half" Hermione chewed on her lower lip in thought, "I was too caught up thinking about the first half of that equation. My mother is a Nott, I have a cousin that was in our year at Hogwarts".

"Well not just him, you have a cousin on the other side too" Harry said.

"Who's the other?" Hermione asked in confusion.

"...Malfoy, his mums a Black remember?" Harry reminded.

"Oh shit! Excuse my language, but blimey I forgot about that" Hermione rubbed her temples, the bombardment of new information hurting her head. She snorted in laughter when she remembered what Daphne had said at the Ministry, "Greengrass said to just wait till Malfoy finds out I'm not longer beneath him now that I'm no longer ' a Mudblood'," she joked using fingers to emphasise the last part.

"At least your distant enough cousins it doesn't really matter in the Wizarding world, you're what, second cousins?" Harry asked.

"Um... I think so?" Hermione responded, still sounding unsure.

"Wait so you're Regulus Black's daughter, and I'm Sirius Black's godson... does that kind of make us cousins too?" Harry concluded excitedly.

"You know what, I'd say that does!" Hermione responded with equal excitement. Her excitement dissipated when her thoughts turned to the Weasleys and what they might say. 'They're going to want nothing to do with me, they automatically dislike anyone 'Dark'. "What about the Weasleys?"

"Don't worry about what they think 'Mione, they're your family and even if they're upset I'm sure they'll come around eventually. You'll always have George on your side, and no matter what you'll always have me" Harry placated coming around the island to rest a hand on her shoulder and give her a comforting smile.

"Thanks Harry, I can always depend on you to make me feel better" she thanked graciously, standing to wrap Harry in a tight embrace. They stood like that for a minute and Hermione had never felt closer to anyone, 'this if family, I'll always have Harry... and now, I might even make more family'.

Harry pulled back from the embrace first. "I love you 'Mione but I have to finish this pasta, pour yourself some wine and you can watch me cook then we'll eat."

Hermione nodded and poured herself a bottle of muggle wine and watching Harry. Harry finishes cooking dinner and the two enjoyed a delicious meal of Fettuccine Alfredo with fresh garlic bread and Caesar salad, all topped with freshly shaven Parmesan cheese. The two chatted and reminisced on their years together, laughing and shedding a couple tears. They theorised on how people would respond to the news and what it meant for the future. Before long dinner had finished and Hermione helped Harry to clean the kitchen and the dishes.

"Thank you for tonight Harry, and thank you for helping me make sense of it all." Hermione thanked.

"No worries, I'm sure things will be a bit crazy for a bit but I'm sure it'll all work out. Now go get some sleep cousin, you've had quite the eventful day".

"Alright... cousin, I'll see you later". Hermione gave Harry one last quick hug before Flooing back home where Crookshanks greeted her with a meow and brushed against her legs.

"It's good to see you too Crookshanks, now let's go cuddle in bed, I'm knackered". Hermione quickly got ready for bed and snuggled under her comforter with Crookshanks curled up against her. She fell asleep wondering how different things would be from now on.

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