Chapter 2: A Rivalry battle on the ship to Kanto

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Robert and Willow soon arrived at the port and they boarded a beautiful large white and red boat after showing their tickets to the person in charge of checking your ticket.

"Wow this boat is beautiful almost feels like a cruise," Willow said in awe taking in the scenery of the boat.

"I feel you it a beautiful ship," Robert said in agreement.

"Well, you're not on a cruise this is just a ship to Kanto," A familiar male voice said from there right.

They turned to see Henry walking towards them as he walked down the stairs shaking his head.

"Geez if we didn't know you me and Willow would consider you a jerk," Robert stated.

"Yeah, we know it's not a cruise ship," Willow commented.

"My bad just stating the facts," Henry said."You both sharing a room are separate?" He asked.

"You act like that a problem to share a room," Robert said.

"Yeah we're best friends and we always slept over at each other house sometimes in the same room or separate rooms, but no we have separate rooms on the boat right across from each other," Willow commented.

"Chill I was just joking don't care if you share a room, but just not something I would consider unless I'm dating the girl," Henry stated."Anyway, Rob once you get your bag settled in your room what do you say to a battle there is a battle area up on the third level," He said.

"Sounds good meet you there," Robert said.

Henry nodded."Oh and expect to lose," He said heading back up the stairs where he came from.

"Sure of seem that coming, "Willow commented."Also, I wonder if Summer boarded the ship yet she was going to Kanto to follow her dream of being a future fire-type breeder and gym leader."

"I forgot she wanted to be a breeder for fire types, but I do remember her gym leader goal," Robert said as he and Willow walked down the hall to rooms 103 and 105."She is probably getting on right now the ship doesn't sail for another twenty minutes."

"True," Willow said.


Robert after placing his bag in his room was now heading off to meet up with Henry for their first rival battle. He was soon joined by Willow as she left her room.

"So do you think you will beat Henry?" Willow asked.

"I have full faith in Katy we have been training together for a while," Robert replied.

"Good point," Willow said.

The duo soon arrived at the stairs and made it to the third floor and, noticed a large area with a green-painted battlefield and noticed Hnery waiting for him on the other side.

"Wow, this is impressive!" Willow said in awe.

"Yeah lots of trainers board the ship so they had a battlefield made so trainers could battle with their Pokemon," Henry said."I asked one of the staff about it when I first came across it," He explained.

"I see since we both only have one Pokemon it will be a one-on-one battle and the first person pokemon to faint loses," Robert stated.

"Sounds go with me," Henry said reaching for his Treecko's Pokeball on his belt.

However, before either boy could send out their Pokeball a loud horn with off.

"Everyone will now be setting sail for the Kanto Region!" The captain announced.

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