Involuntary regression 2

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I get a call from my girlfriend Billie. She was at work, I was on my laptop at home. "Hey babe everything okay?" I hear sniffles. "Billie? What's going on?" "P-pick me up please." "Where are you??" I quickly get up and get my keys rushing out the house. "I-in my car in the parking garage at work." "Okay babe I'm coming to get you." "St-stay on p-please." Her voice got higher and softer. "Okay babe. Do you wanna tell me what happened?" "M-my b-oss y-yelled at me." She cries. "Aw honey, I'm sorry. Don't let him get you down. What happened babe?" "I-I d-don't know." "Okay we can talk about it later. I'm about 5 minutes away." There was silence. "Billie?" "Hmm?" "You're still on, I thought we disconnected.. so why are you in the car?" "I wanted to go home." "Are you having car trouble? Should I call a mechanic?" "N-no." "Okay, well I'm almost there." Silence again. I keep driving, she says nothing. I hear her soft breathing. I'm worried about her.

I pull into the parking garage and see Billie in her car. I hang up and she waves at me smiling. "Hey babe what's going on?" I open the driver door and stoop down. She looks at me with beady eyes. "Babe, tell me, I wanna help you." I grab her hands caressing them with mine. She looks down at our hands and then at me. "Is it cause of your boss?" She nods. "Aw honey, it's okay." "She starts crying again. "H-he called me l-lazy and th-that I-I ma-make e-excuses." "Babe, you're the most hardworking person there. Don't listen to him." She shakes her head and cries harder leaning against me. "Shhh babe let it all out. I'm here." I rub her back comforting her. I was worried about Billie, I've never seen her so distraught before. I continue rubbing her back until she calmed down.

"So you wanna go home babe?" She looks at me nodding. "C-can you drive?" She shakes her head. "Why can't you drive?" "I'm scared." "Scared of?" "Scared." Her eyes start tearing up now she's biting her nails. "Okay babe I won't question you anymore, let's get in my car. Then I'll get a ride here to get your car." She nods. "Alright let's go." She looks around nervously and scared. "Hey what's the matter?" She looks around biting her nails. "Cmon babe I'll take care of you." She smiles a little and reaches up for me. "Does something hurt??" She just reaches up for me so I carry her out of the car. I make sure to lock it and take her in my car.

I get in and see Billie biting her nails again. "Hey you gonna buckle up?" She looks down at her feet. "Hey tell me what's going on? I'm worried about you and I wanna help." I hold her hand. Silence again. I reach over and put her seatbelt on earning a smile from her. The drive home was quiet. I was still worried about my girlfriend. Something else must've happened.

We arrive home and again she didn't want to walk so I carried her inside. I asked her if anything hurts and she said no. I place her on the bathroom counter and use a damp cloth to remove her makeup. "There we go pretty girl." She smiles and giggles swinging her feet. I help her get down. She looks at me pouting. "Hey what's the matter?" "I'm sad." "Aw Bils, your boss is a jerk. Don't let him ruin your day." She slightly smiles. "I want a snack." "Alright let's see what there is." She follows me into the kitchen. I look in the fridge and pantry. "How about some Oreos?" She nods. "With oat milk?" She smiles jumping up and down. "Okay babe."

She waits for me on the sofa and I bring a pack of Oreos and 2 glasses of milk. She licks all of the frosting off and giggles. "You're so cute babe." She blushes while eating. She grabs the glass with two hands shaking while trying to drink. Billie ends up tilting the cup too much spilling the milk on her. She coughs. "Hey hey it's okay!" I pat her back while she coughs. I was worried about my girlfriend, she seemed really scared. She was starting to cry. "Shhh babe it's alright, I'm not mad okay?" All she does is cry. My heart broke seeing her in this state. Her boss really hurt her feelings. I grabbed some paper towels to clean her up and the sofa. "Change?" She tugs on her shirt. "Yeah go ahead babe, I'll take care of this mess." She stands there nervously watching me. "Hey what's wrong?" She plays with her fingers looking down. "Babe it's okay, I'm not mad I promise." She shakes her head. "Change." She tugs on her shirt again. "Do you need help?" She nods. "Okay let's go in our bedroom and look for clean clothes."

Billie sits on the floor watching me look through her clothes. "How about this shirt?" I hold up a beige shirt. She shakes her head. "Okay how about this?" It's a white baggy shirt. She nods. "Here you go." I toss it at her but all she does is stares at it. "Babe, tell me what's wrong. I wanna help you." "Help?" "Yes babe. I wanna help you." "Help change?" "Oh. Okay I can do that." She smiles big and claps. "Arms up babe." She does as told and I help change her shirt." "Take off?" I look at her confused. "Take what off?" She points to her work pants. "Oh you wanna change into something more comfortable, yeah?" She nods.
I take out black basketball shorts. She nods. "Okay Bils, you want me to step out or?" She shakes and head and whines. "Hey shhh I'm not gonna go anywhere. I don't want to invade your privacy." "Help." "Okay well you'll need to stand up." She does as told. I unbutton her pants helping her get out of them. I notice her underwear, there were care bears on them. Never seen these before. "Cute babe." She giggles. Then holds herself. "Hey do you have to use the bathroom?" She shakes her head. "Cmon maybe you should go." She hesitates but then runs to the bathroom. "Y-Y/N?" I hear her call out my name. "Yes?" "Can you come here?" I wonder what's going on and walk in. Seeing her on the toilet.

"What's wrong?" She looks down blushing. "Hey let's get you cleaned up okay?" Noticing her underwear was damp and on the floor. "Am bad?" "No honey, I just want you to be clean then you can rest up. You had a long day today." She starts crying softly. "Hey babe, what's going on? I won't ever judge you. I just wanna know what's going on so I can help you." I stoop down to her. All she does is cries. I rub her back trying to calm her down. After what felt like forever. She speaks. "I'm done." "Okay babe let's wash your hands and face and get you ready for a nap." She nods. She gets off the toilet and I flush it. She's about to run off when I stop her. "Hey let's wash your hands first." She pouts but then lets me help her.

Billie lays down on the bed. "Hey you still need to put clothes on!" I chuckle. All she does is giggles. "You're so cute!" I go over and tickle her sides making her laugh more. "Okay here let's get you dressed." I slide her underwear and shorts on. Billie smiles and kicks her legs. "Aw there's that smile I love seeing!" "Cuddles?" "Yes we can cuddle. I lay down next to her in bed. She nuzzles up to my chest. I wrap my arms around her. Billie sucks her thumb looking up at me with beady eyes. I didn't question it. It was different but whatever made her happy I didn't care. "Does that make you feel safe?" She nods. "I'm glad. I want you to be comfortable." She smiles softly. "Shh close your pretty eyes I'll be here when you wake up." She nods and closes her eyes.

I feel Billie jerk in her sleep waking up. "Hey Billie, it's okay. I'm here." She looks around scared. Tears forming in her eyes. "Babe, hey did you have a bad dream?" She nods. "Hey hey that's just a dream, it's not real. I'm here to protect you." She calms down a little and rests her head back on me. "There we go. Just relax." I rub her back. She goes back to sleep.


Billie wakes up looking around. "Hey have a good nap?" I look over to her. I ended up taking a nap myself for a little while but woke up an hour ago. She nods. "Y/N?" "Yes?" "Do you think I'm weird?" "No of course not. I love you for you." "Are you sure?" "Yes I wouldn't lie about that." "Thank you." She hugs me. "Of course I don't want you to feel like you need to hide things okay?" She nods. "I like being little sometimes." "Aww and I don't mind one bit." "Thank you y/n really." "Of course babe. I love you." I kiss her head. "So you're not weirded out or anything?" "No Billie, I love you for you. But I do have some questions." "Okay what is it?" "Do you always want to be little?" "N-no only sometimes and other times things will trigger me to regress like my boss yelling at me." "Awww okay, well whenever you're little I'll be sure to look after you. Another question, do you not realize it sometimes?" She nods. "Okay so I'll just have to know what to look for." "Yes so sometimes I'll be more sensitive and cry a lot, want to be carried and go non verbal." "Gotcha." "Can I ask something?" "Of course babe." "Um could I call you mommy?" "What?" "Uh never mind forget that." She looks down. "Hey it just caught me off guard is all. Why do you want to call me that?" She shrugs. "Is it a comfort thing?" She nods. "Then that's fine with me. You can call me mommy, I want you to feel safe." "Thank you mommy." She smiles. "Anything for you."

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⏰ Last updated: May 15 ⏰

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