first love

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Wook was unloved. Unloved since the day he was born, his parents did not want him. They merely viewed him as an additional mouth to feed, which was a responsibility they could not afford. The two adults argued and yelled at one other in the hospital room, ignoring the cries of the baby filling the room. Day one and they were already neglecting him.

They eventually decided to keep him, however reluctant they were. As he grew older, from an infant to a toddler and then to a child, they were pleasantly surprised to learn a fact about their child. He was blessed by the gods, his features carved beautifully perfect and no doubt it could capture society's attention. His golden hues were unique, accompanied by heavy lashes curling upward. Flowy, brown hair sprouted thickly from his head and whenever he smiled, dimples showed on either side of his cheeks. His cheekbones were high and his lips were small and dainty, skin flawless and pale. Even at his young age, his parents could tell he would grow up insanely handsome.

When the boy turned five, they were surprised for the second time. On his birthday -- a day his parents never made an effort to celebrate -- he was singing a song to himself in his bedroom. As he did so, his mother, Seonu Min, overheard when she passed his door, perking her ear up. Her lips parted in awe to hear a breathtaking melody leaving her son's mouth, as he sung happy birthday for his fifth birthday. Knocking on the door, she entered the room with a bright smile aimed at Wook, who was on his bed, shocked.

She murmured a quick happy birthday to him, which had an immediate effect on him. A hopeful look colored his face, his teeth baring into a grin. He was so happy to hear those two simple words.

The woman ushered him out of his room, leading the boy downstairs where her husband sat and read the newspaper. Making Wook sit down, she told him to start singing again. Confused, but excited to earn their attention for once, he did as asked. He sang his heart out, grinning proudly when he saw their amazed stares. But what he didn't notice were the looks his mother and father shared, their gazes brimming with lust for the day they dreamt of.

He thought they were there for his birthday; In actuality, they were dwelling in the prospects of using their son. For money, for wealth, for fame.

Wook also thought that the way they behaved towards him was love in their own way. It wasn't until middle school that a chord struck in him. That was where he met you, his first friend... and first love.

Your company scared the casting shadows of his world away. When he scratched his knee on the slide and you hurriedly took out your first aid kit from your backpack to patch it back up, he realized what was true love. When he cried like a baby after the boys labeled him a 'girl' and you fought the boy who started it, he realized what was true love. When his eyes could only stay on you for hours on end, he realized what was true love. When you grudgingly hugged him back after an argument blew between the two of you, he realized what was true love.

Maybe you didn't love him in the same way he did you, but you still cared for him more than his parents ever had.

It became a world dipped in rose colored lenses. The air seemed to glisten of pink residue, sparkling even in the most of mundane things to be pretty. Every worry was eased away, brushed by whispers of assurance. Reality was no longer the way it was at first -- the roaring, tumbling crash of an ocean's waves were replaced by the calm of the storm. And Wook loved it. He was ecstatic, grinning breathlessly as the little child he was. The feeling was never experienced, but to know it now, he would not release it from his grasp.

As long as you were part of his world, he wouldn't ask for more.

But of course, such bliss could never last forever. The mirror cracked, shards falling to the ground in slow motion. You were moving away from the small town home the both of you were raised in... away from him. The last day he saw you was the first time he saw tears falling from your face, for once unable to hold upon the stoic mask you so dearly sought for.

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