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As Duncan Vizla sat vigil by the flickering fire, his gaze would occasionally drift to the wounded young woman, Katherine, nestled upon the soft pillows. Her eyelids were gently closed, and her long, raven hair cascaded softly around her head. Beneath the pristine bandages that concealed her leg and thigh, she lay serene and angelic. A profound sense of love and protectiveness washed over Duncan as he contemplated her suffering. He couldn't shake the haunting memory of the man he had discovered lifeless, slain by Katherine's own hand in self-defense. Duncan recognized the victim, a former acquaintance, and a realization dawned upon him—this man's presence had been a consequence of his own actions. Despite their lack of personal conflict, Duncan couldn't help but feel pangs of guilt. Perhaps his destiny had been to reap the consequences of a past marked by countless killings. Yet, amidst the turmoil within him, one thought remained paramount: he would not allow his beloved Katherine to bear the weight of his past transgressions. Questions gnawed at him, but he had no answers. They shared the same employer, yet Duncan had no prior conflicts with the man. Could it be a twisted twist of karma, retribution for his own bloody past?

Unknown to Duncan, Katherine had feigned sleep, her keen senses detecting his presence. With quiet determination, she rolled off the bed and silently made her way towards him. His assassin's skills were still unmatched, and she didn't notice his swift approach until he had her in his grasp.

'I told you not to move,' Duncan commanded sternly.

'I'm alright, Duncan,' Katherine protested weakly, knowing the interrogation was about to commence. She had been hiding her own secrets from him, the knowledge of his true nature. How could she justify her ability to handle a firearm, or her connection to the deceased man?

Duncan's eyes narrowed as he studied Katherine intently. He had a sixth sense about her, a suspicion that she was not as innocent as she seemed. His past had taught him that deception lurked in the shadows, and he was determined to expose it, but he chose not to let her know of it.

He put her on couch gently, despite the stern attitude and expression from moments ago. The look on his face was indicating the intensity of emotions he was feeling, unknown emotions to both of them- but Katherine knew he was falling for her. Although, he knew he had already fallen. Not even his stern and cold guard could cover it up completely.

,, Tell me everything that happened.'', he demanded in a bit less tone as he brought the chair and sat right in front of her.

With a deep breath, Katherine began her fabricated account. She omitted the truth about her own clandestine background, her expertise with weapons, and her knowledge of the man. She instead depicted herself as an innocent bystander who had crossed paths with him out of sheer coincidence.

Duncan listened intently, his sharp eyes piercing through her words like a laser beam. But to her surprise, he held back the pressing questions about her connections to the man and her ability to handle a firearm.

,, I never saw him before. I was simply enjoying my evening when suddenly he broke in threating me.', she spoke in a shaky voice that only added to the scenery and whole sight of her making Duncan doubt everything he thought.

,, Did he say why he was here ? '', Duncan asked not moving his gaze from her while studying her expression. She noticed how her face fell down completely and she avoided the eye contact. He leaned closer to her calling out her name as a warning. He was growing impatient and needed answers and she was the only one to provide him some, '' I asked you a question. Answer me.''

,, No.'', she was lying and he knew it.

,, Look at me.'', his fingers were on her chin making her look at him. He saw her seemingly upset and sad expression which only eager him to get more answers.

,, He was here because of me, wasn't he ? ''

He received a nod before she started speaking,

,, Yes.'', she answered in an surprisingly quiet manner. There was visible hesitation in her voice and behavior.

,, What did he say ? ''

,, That we all get what we deserve, at the end.''

That sentence had a deeper meaning. It was like a promise, from her. Implying that our actions, both good and bad, ultimately determine our outcomes. While it may provide a sense of comfort and order in an often chaotic world, this notion is fundamentally flawed. Duncan already knew that. He was aware of the fact all the bad things he had done will find their way back to him. He accepted it and patiently waited for it.

But she knew it too. Hence of the fact she escaped her fate once again, it didn't mean it wouldn't catch on with her later on. 

She knew it would. 

But she needed to collect debts first, not feelings.

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⏰ Last updated: May 14 ⏰

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