"Invaders From Mars II..." Part IX...

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"Invaders From Mars II..."

Summary: David's dream was a premotion but the actual story went a bit differently...

Part IX...

"So..." Sarah paused at they sat at the cafeteria. She eyeing Claire who finished her order of chicken salad and ice tea to the young waitress.

Fortunately, this California town was one that didn't segregate, though she'd encountered a little trouble from time to time with either the occasional waitress or busboy or other customers eyeing her coldly. At least today no one seemed obnoxious or looking for trouble.

"How is college going?" Claire asked politely, summoning memories about the girl. Friend of two years, helped her in her first days at work, been to her home, very diligent worker and anxious to acquire more education than the typical female, coming from a family of teachers and educators with some military. Military? Hmmn...

Must ask if any work at the rocket base...Could be useful.

"Pretty good. Thank God there's some other colored people there, I'd feel like a real stand-out. Are you going to apply?" Sarah eyed her. "You don't wanna waste your brain and talent, Claire."

"If I can..." Claire sounded a somber note.

"Well, there's the point." Sarah sighed. "Girl, have you seen a doctor?"

"Not yet. I think I'm a little scared. But I was...Late."

Yes, that's the expression...Late.

"Jesus...Pardon me. See a doctor. Be sure and don't screw around with this, Claire. This is your life here." Earnest look.

"I know. But you see why I've been preoccupied. I don't dare say anything to Mother." Careful eyeing, then downcast look.

Yes, that's just how the girl would act. This little test is proving quite useful. It's easy to lose touch with the subject's personality in trying to fulfill directives.

"You know I won't." Sarah assured her.

"I know." Warm smile. "You're a good friend, Sarah. Again, sorry if I've been in the dumps recently." Extending arm to hold hand for a moment.

"It's fine, sweetie. How about Harvey? Have you talked to him?"

"I wanted to be sure first. But he's not a bad guy. It's just..." shrug.

"Yeah..." Sarah nodded. "Not quite the guy of your dreams." Sigh. "Well, first things first. See the doctor and be sure you have something to worry about."

"Yes. I will." Nod.

What a pity this intelligent girl can't be taken. Her instincts seem very sharp, and her intellect is clearly quite advanced for this small town. She would make a fine leader of our task force. Well, pointless to regret. And this has been an excellent chance to utilize the girl's social skills.

"Uh-oh..." Sarah whispered. "It's that nasty woman from ten o'clock, the one who demanded someone else serve her. With what looks like an equally nasty friend..."

A large, rather coarse-faced woman in over-tight blouse, pausing in seating, with a tall, dour-looking friend in rather drab beige outfit standing beside her, both eyeing the two seated girls with distate.

"Do you have to seat...That kind in here?!" the first woman proclaimed loudly, her companion nodding in agreement. "At least seat us somewhere far away!"

"Ladies." The harassed-looking young waitress who'd brought them over sighed... "This is what we got. I'm sorry."

"Well, tell that...(expletive delected) to...!"

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⏰ Last updated: May 14 ⏰

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