Invaders From Mars II... Part VI...

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"Invaders From Mars II..."

Summary: David's dream was a premotion but the actual story went a bit differently...

Part VI...

"Yes, General..." the Colonel was on phone, answering a series of questions being put as Kelston picked at his breakfast of eggs and toast. "We found no trace of the craft afterward as in my report. And no evidence of elevated radiation or chemical residue. It was as if the thing simple vanished...Or never existed." He paused as Kelston eyed him.

So now we're crazy... Wan smile on Kelston's face.

But, we still have the remains of the control devices...And General Mayberry, Sergeant Rinaldi, the Chief...The little girl...All dead, he sighed to himself. And, maybe...

Considering all that...I could wish we were crazy.

"Yes, we have the control devices removed from the little boy's parents and from the corpses. Though they were badly fused, we've been able to preserve them. There's that much anyway." The Colonel noted to phone.

"Yes, sir. It is quite possible the ship escaped intact. However there's been no evidence of radar contact or anyone seeing the thing fly off, directly or by astronomical observation. Dr. Kelston, the astrophysicist I've mentioned, the man who discovered the attack..."

Kelston wincing...


"Yes. He's cooperating fully and understands the need for secrecy here, sir." Colonel Fielding winking at Kelston who ruefully smiled. You are and do, right? Fielding mouthed with grin.

Up to a point, Kelston thought, nodding.

"He's also contacted a number of his colleagues...Under proper security, yes, sir...To help us confirm there was no visual or radar evidence of the ship's departure. Yes, sir. I assure you, we've been cautious with all civilian contacts. No one else has been told...My men are all under orders to keep silent. The town? Yes, we've sealed it off under that story of a pipeline accident. People are only leaving on roads after passing security checkpoints and being checked for any signs of the control devices. Yes, sir. The ones with an urgent reason to leave the area are being fully checked and monitored and the local FBI office is helping to monitor the area for any strange behavior among the populace. I had the railroad and airport closed just before the ship left or was destroyed. At ten, yes, sir."

Ten last night...Kelston sighed. The end of...Wait...He blinked, rising.

The Colonel regarded him, pulling from phone. "Just a moment, General. Kelston?"

"Isn't there a train at 9:20 and 9:55? I remember taking the 9:20 to a conference once."

"One more moment, General!" the Colonel eyed Kelston. "Ruth!!" he called into the hall. The secretary entered, in uniform, hastily. "What trains left town before 10 pm last night? I was told the last flight from the airport was at 6pm, check that again as well." The secretary nodded and hurried out to her desk, Kelston eyeing the Colonel who took up the phone again.

"Sorry, General. We had to check something about last night's train schedule. No, I don't know if it matters as yet, but we want to be sure no one under control might have left the town by rail, plane, car, or on foot. Well, that's good, sir. Yes, I'd appreciate that. I'll get back to you as soon as we've checked that and reviewed the result for the further sweeps of the landing area. Yes, sir...I am having the town checked but carefully so as not to create rumors and panic. We're thinking of having the public health service declare a need for examinations for a possible polio outbreak..."

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